Where can I get some cheap holiday cards?
Posted: 03 December 2004 03:28 AM     [ Ignore ]  
Board Mentor
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Joined  2004-07-18


Posted: 03 December 2004 03:33 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Board Mentor
Total Posts:  2597
Joined  2005-01-06

1) Insert paper into printer
2) Open Word
3) Write something holiday related
4) Print
5) Repeat


Serioiusly tho—usually walmarts/kmarts and the like have boxed cards of like 50/100 for like $5—They are decent enough and cheap enough that I can mail one out to the 1000 people in my office.  Of course the company pays for postage 😉



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