🐔 :love: |)X 😛
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (even you Canadians)
Happy thanksgiving everyone.
Happy TG everyone, ready for the sales friday?
o yeah, thats what i’ve been waiting for!
Yeah its going to be awsome. Why do they do that anyways?
Im going to hit Besbuy, and Circuit City…. :D
hahah for me Thankgiving was last month. But happy thankgiving americans!
You canadians and your early holidays 😛
haha if only Christmas was now.. lol Christmas should be TODAY! :p haha since its 1 month till christmas and your thanksgiving is 1 month after ours.
lol gohan
yeah Gohan, I live in Canda also, Thanksgiving was a loonngg time ago, well not really although it seems like it 😛