Some really hard-@ss questions for them to try to answer:
Do you think you have under-estimated Sony’s strategy in regard to the power of PSP in comparison to the DS?
What particular advantages do you see the DS has over the upcoming PSP handheld.
How is work coming along on the next handheld in the GameBoy line, since this the DS is a third-tier product? Is there any time-frame for when gamers can expect that? What features and processing capability can we expect?
What market are you targeting the DS line, as in comparison to the GBA line? Older gamers?
Was the DS design originally supposed to be the next GBA offering?
When are new colors expected for the DS?
What is the level of third-party DS support? Has it been easier to provide coding support for the system in comparison to GBA?
What is your favorite launch title at this point? Tell us a little about why it is your favorite.
Is there connectivity planned or built-in for the next home console, codename Revolution?
Was Nintendo concerned that kids may not be familiar with using a stylus in their games. It’s more routine for business professionals to use this type of input.
Why was the DS launched worldwide at the same time-frame? Normally Japan units are introduced first.
What additional accessories would you recommend for the DS owner? Is there a carry-case available?
What Nintendo-branded titles can we look forward to next year, other than Metroid. Is a 3D Zelda possible?
Are there any additional N64 ports planned, such as StarFox or Wave Race?
Everyone is clamoring for Animal Crossing, can you tell us if that’s being worked on?