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Do Some DVD’s hold more then 4.7 gb?
Posted: 15 November 2004 09:09 AM   [ # 26 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 26 ]  
Total Posts:  27
Joined  2004-11-03

I just got a great deal on a LITE-ON DVD recorder.  Saw it on a home shopping network, and had to have it! 

I got it from NewEgg….at like 60% off….because of Open Box.  And it came, Brand New….and working Great!

Posted: 15 November 2004 09:10 AM   [ # 27 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 27 ]  
Might As Well Be A Mod
Total Posts:  13525
Joined  2005-03-07

thats pretty cool. congrats.

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