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I went to church yesterday!
Posted: 06 October 2004 07:33 AM   [ # 76 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 76 ]  
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[quote author=“creejoh”]
You just asked me a question that parallels the age old question that little kids used to ask other little kids “Do your parents know you’re gay?”  The answer is more complex than a simple “yes” or “no”.  Yes, its possible, but its not likely.

Good to know I’m not alone here.  And for the record, AndruGearLive is also a well-informed (read: knows his Bible) Christian.  :evil: 


No wait, I mean…  :|=

Posted: 06 October 2004 07:36 AM   [ # 77 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 77 ]  
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[quote author=“HectorGearLive”][quote author=“creejoh”]
You just asked me a question that parallels the age old question that little kids used to ask other little kids “Do your parents know you’re gay?”  The answer is more complex than a simple “yes” or “no”.  Yes, its possible, but its not likely.

Good to know I’m not alone here.  And for the record, AndruGearLive is also a well-informed (read: knows his Bible) Christian.  :evil: 


No wait, I mean…  :|=


Posted: 06 October 2004 07:49 AM   [ # 78 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 78 ]  
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[quote author=“HectorGearLive”]Yeah.  Either way, I’ve given numerous biblical references that speak to likelihood or further understanding, and I feel they’re just being skipped over.

Yeah, sorry about that.  Believe it or not I do believe there is a higher power, I just don’t buy into organized religions as the only factual basis for their beliefs and rituals are the aforementioned “words of men”.  I like the teachings of the bible.  There is a lot of wisdom in there.  I just view it (as do many scholars, theological and otherwise) as mostly fiction.  Anyway, that’s why quoting scriptures isn’t going to really turn heads in a “debate” with non-believers - you’re just quoting from a source that means little to us.  Might as well read from Dr Seuss…  😛

Posted: 06 October 2004 09:16 AM   [ # 79 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 79 ]  
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I see your point.  But you see, the Bible teaches that Faith, in large part, comes from reading it.  In fact, I didn’t believe any of it either at first until I delved into it myself.

Romans 10:17
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

Organizations are imperfect, so I rely as much as I can on the Bible itself. It thoroughly equips you:

2 Timothy 316All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

I can show you a Biblical Passage for pretty much any objection or question you have.  👏

I know Creejo’s getting a kick out of all these Scriptures.  :love:

Posted: 06 October 2004 09:19 AM   [ # 80 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 80 ]  
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My goodness…what do we have here?  :think:

You know…I used to be a hardcore evolutionist. Why? Same reason as most adults. They go to school and learn. Then when they finish school, they think they “know” what they have learned because they got someones point of view. Do you know how staggeringly high the percentage is of adults who - after school if done - dont read a non-fiction book? Or a book on a subject like Geology, Biology, etc.?

Now, I understand why. But I started questioning myself a few years ago. It started with the question “Why do I believe what I believe?”. And I just started doing some hardcore research on a bunch of different things.

Without getting too into it right now (I am at work), I can say that science has proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that God exists. And if he doesnt, then some big alien created this galaxy and all the people in it. I may have to start a thread looking at all this scientifically.

Oh, and the Bible is not just words. There are EXTREMELY intricate prophecies in that book that are fulfilled to the letter. Maybe we will look at that in another thread too.

Do we need a Debate board? Or religion board?  :?


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Posted: 06 October 2004 09:24 AM   [ # 81 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 81 ]  
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[quote author=“AndruGearLive”]I started questioning myself a few years ago. It started with the question “Why do I believe what I believe?”.


Do we need a Debate board? Or religion board?  :?

“Why do I believe what I believe?” That’s good. 😊 You can apply that to so many things! Why does one believe in a particular religion? Why does an individual believe in science? Etc. I suggest all atheists look into this 😊

Debate board! Debate board!  👏

Posted: 06 October 2004 09:27 AM   [ # 82 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 82 ]  
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[quote author=“AndruGearLive”] Do you know how staggeringly high the percentage is of adults who - after school if done - dont read a non-fiction book? Or a book on a subject like Geology, Biology, etc.? 

Crap, I can only imagine.  People are just so lazy, including myself.  Like you said, I read a lot of fiction but nothing non-fict.

[quote author=“AndruGearLive”]
Oh, and the Bible is not just words. There are EXTREMELY intricate prophecies in that book that are fulfilled to the letter. Maybe we will look at that in another thread too.  Do we need a Debate board? Or religion board?  :?

You non-believers are all in for it now!  :lol:  Andru’s here!!!1!!11!

I say start a Debate Board.  Biggest two topics will probably be religion and politics.  We’ve had some huge threads in both these areas, and combining them would make sense since were still kind of new.  Later on, we can separate them.

You’re “My my what do we have here?  :think: ” comment was funny!

Posted: 06 October 2004 09:28 AM   [ # 83 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 83 ]  
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If Andru doesn’t create it, I’ll do it myself when I get home.  Then I’ll be moving all the topics over.

Posted: 06 October 2004 09:29 AM   [ # 84 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 84 ]  
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[quote author=“HectorGearLive”]If Andru doesn’t create it, I’ll do it myself when I get home.  Then I’ll be moving all the topics over.


Posted: 06 October 2004 09:29 AM   [ # 85 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 85 ]  
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:D thats the expression that came to my face from the past few posts.

Posted: 06 October 2004 09:30 AM   [ # 86 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 86 ]  
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Yeah, that question actually made me change my beliefs in Christianity. I was a Christian before that, and afterwards I am a much stronger one, with more firm beliefs. Also, I read the Bible for MYSELF rather than just going by what people tell me.

Do you know how many preachers will tell you that two of each animal went into Noah’s Ark, when the Bible clearly states (when looking at the Hebrew) that it was either 7 of each clean animal, or 7 pairs of each clean animal, and one pair of each unclean animal? Most people dont know because they just take the word of the preacher for it, instead of just opening the book and looking themselves.

Just like when Hector mentioned the Sabbath earlier.

Why do most Christians go to church on Sunday? No one can point to a place in the Bible that answers the question. The Bible speaks heavily of the Sabbath though (Saturday). It’s all very interesting.


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Posted: 06 October 2004 09:36 AM   [ # 87 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 87 ]  
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[quote author=“AndruGearLive”]Yeah, that question actually made me change my beliefs in Christianity. I was a Christian before that, and afterwards I am a much stronger one, with more firm beliefs. Also, I read the Bible for MYSELF rather than just going by what people tell me.

Do you know how many preachers will tell you that two of each animal went into Noah’s Ark, when the Bible clearly states (when looking at the Hebrew) that it was either 7 of each clean animal, or 7 pairs of each clean animal, and one pair of each unclean animal? Most people dont know because they just take the word of the preacher for it, instead of just opening the book and looking themselves.

Just like when Hector mentioned the Sabbath earlier.

Why do most Christians go to church on Sunday? No one can point to a place in the Bible that answers the question. The Bible speaks heavily of the Sabbath though (Saturday). It’s all very interesting.

Yeah, I think that is the difference in Christianity as a religion and Christianity as a lifestyle.

Posted: 06 October 2004 09:42 AM   [ # 88 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 88 ]  
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[quote author=“AndruGearLive”]
Why do most Christians go to church on Sunday? No one can point to a place in the Bible that answers the question. The Bible speaks heavily of the Sabbath though (Saturday). It’s all very interesting.

This is going to sound crazy, but I’ve had suspicions that long ago, Sunday worship came about by trying to combine Christianity with some pagan religions and trying to appease both parties.  There’s more about this in the Da Vinci Code, which I found fascinating. 

That is a VERY deep subject though, just based on some preliminary Googling.

Posted: 06 October 2004 09:46 AM   [ # 89 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 89 ]  
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That is actually true. It was an extremely successful political move by the Roman government. There was many pagans in the region who worshipped the Sun God. Changing the day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday was an actual decree in a move to make the Roman Government (which was also the head of the Roman religion) more powerful. They also incorporated the Bull God into the religion, which is why many believe Satan is a red, horned, pointy tailed with pitchfork being in charge of hell rather than the undescribably beautiful (physically) creature that the Bible says he is, who is not in charge of hell, but will rather be consumed by it.


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Posted: 06 October 2004 10:00 AM   [ # 90 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 90 ]  
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I think I speak for everyone when I do:  :o

I’ve heard of these two things though, so maybe I’m not as surprised as I was when I first looked into them.  Man, America is so ignorant.

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