Interesting Story…....
Posted: 02 October 2004 07:33 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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Here’s an interesting story…. I’ve been in school for about the past 5 weeks, and over that period of time I’ve found it odd how many people speak poorly of others’ cultures, religions, etc.  Well the other day in gym class (it was free gym, so we didn’t have to do anything) I was talking with this kid.  And HE was talking about how great Hitler was and that anyone who killed 10 million Jews (i think it was actually more like 6 but oh well) was a genius.  I’m 6 feet tall and can benchpress 235 lbs.  When he found out that I was a Jew, he was not excited.  I’m sure you know where it went from there…...

Posted: 02 October 2004 07:39 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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keep going.. Its sad how people think like that.

Posted: 02 October 2004 07:40 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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yeah basically i punched him in the jaw and he fell off the bleachers

Posted: 02 October 2004 07:44 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
Might As Well Be A Mod
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haha i beat up some kids on the bus once. Racist bastards

Posted: 02 October 2004 08:35 AM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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I don’t like Hispanic people very much, but then I’m Hispanic muhself 😛 jk, Hispanic people are okay to me.

Posted: 02 October 2004 08:45 AM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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Well, you gotta admit, he was a very smart man to be able to brainwash people like that. If you dont think he was smart, then…you’re not smart. I mean, just cuz someone’s smart, doesnt mean theyre right. Like, what Hitler did was wrong, but still, he was smart.

Posted: 02 October 2004 08:58 AM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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[quote author=“Acrylic”]Well, you gotta admit, he was a very smart man to be able to brainwash people like that. If you dont think he was smart, then…you’re not smart. I mean, just cuz someone’s smart, doesnt mean theyre right. Like, what Hitler did was wrong, but still, he was smart.

Suuuure…  😉

Posted: 02 October 2004 09:07 AM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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bottom line is the kid didn’t say he was smart for being able to brainwash people.  he said he was smart for killing jews.

Posted: 02 October 2004 09:10 AM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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[quote author=“jncsta2000”]bottom line is the kid didn’t say he was smart for being able to brainwash people.  he said he was smart for killing jews.

True dat.

I have been to a concentration camp before. It’s a frightening and sad sight—not to mention the place still to this day reeked of ash :( But I heart Germany still. Not for that section in history, of course. Germany has incredible culture.

Posted: 02 October 2004 09:27 AM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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Hitler was insane. Just read his manifesto “Mein Kamph” and you’ll see why. He was a crazy guy with fucked up ideas like “The Final Solution” among others. There is nothing to admire about Hitler. The germans liked him because of what he had to say, he had some skill as a public speaker but he just promised them a more prosperous country, and that was exactly what germany wanted to hear seeing as they came out as the loser in world war 1 and considering they got all the blame for that war. It’s not like he was smart he just knew what the country wanted to hear and said it.

Posted: 02 October 2004 09:45 AM   [ # 10 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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Attica, I always get you & Acrylic mixed up. I think it’s ‘cause your names start with A or something 😛

Posted: 02 October 2004 10:39 AM   [ # 11 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 11 ]  
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If only they had let Hitler into art school everything might have been different.

As a history major I can officially certify that Hitler was a .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). You heard it hear first kids.

Posted: 02 October 2004 07:29 PM   [ # 12 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 12 ]  
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hitler was a bastard for what he did to the jews, the russians, and well pretty much the entire world.  however, he was good for germany at the time cos he made the economy more stable by making millions of war-related jobs.  nevertheless, he was a fascist piece of sh!t.  o and as for racist ppl at school my european friends (and i am scottish) beat up all the stupid bush supporters who hate the french.  i know french isnt a race but same concept.

Posted: 02 October 2004 07:38 PM   [ # 13 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 13 ]  
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there’s a fine line between being a psycho and a genius. Hitler basically rode that line. he was a brilliant and intelligent man who used propaganda to its fullest potential, unfortunately it was for evil, and he did some crap that is hideous and inexcusable.

i give you props on punching the dickhead though, I probably would of done the same. any guy who is proud of a mass murderer like Hitler needs to be kicked in the nuts.

Posted: 02 October 2004 07:49 PM   [ # 14 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 14 ]  
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[quote author=“mattmag”]hitler was a bastard for what he did to the jews, the russians, and well pretty much the entire world.  however, he was good for germany at the time cos he made the economy more stable by making millions of war-related jobs.  nevertheless, he was a fascist piece of sh!t.  o and as for racist ppl at school my european friends (and i am scottish) beat up all the stupid bush supporters who hate the french.  i know french isnt a race but same concept.

Hurray! LOL 👏

Posted: 04 October 2004 06:26 PM   [ # 15 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 15 ]  
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Using propaganda makes you intelligent? I’m as sure as bush not writing his own speeches as I am the fact that Hitler had intelligent people behind the scenes who actually wanted to do good for the country that made his image better in terms of intelligence,  unfortunately Hitler wasn’t part of the the “intelligent” group. Hitler was good for one thing “telling the people what they wanted to hear” and beyond that were his henchmen, it takes more than one man to run a country.

Posted: 04 October 2004 08:55 PM   [ # 16 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 16 ]  
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[quote author=“antman22”]there’s a fine line between being a psycho and a genius. Hitler basically rode that line. he was a brilliant and intelligent man who used propaganda to its fullest potential, unfortunately it was for evil, and he did some crap that is hideous and inexcusable.

i give you props on punching the dickhead though, I probably would of done the same. any guy who is proud of a mass murderer like Hitler needs to be kicked in the nuts.

I agree with what you’re saying.. Hitler was definitely somewhere between genius and physco.. I definitely think he did more than “told people what they wanted to hear”.. anyone can do that.. if that’s what the country needed to get out of it’s economic downturn then it would have been done by someone else.  He not only used propaganda but was an amazing orator, I’ve watched videos of his speeches and even I who don’t know German am effected.  As antman said.. unfortunately this was all used for evil.. he began a horrible movement that terribly caused the genocide of a people.  Extremely disgusting.. I can’t even comprehend how someone could do such terrible things

Posted: 04 October 2004 10:01 PM   [ # 17 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 17 ]  
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The odd thing is that a lot of what Hitler believed were extremely popular in the racist and nationalist German Youth Groups in the early 20th century.  There are people that believe that the theories and practices of Hitler were accepted because they had been ingrained into the psyche of his followers, including a lot of the german population, since birth.  Of course, I don’t believe this to the extent that some people do. I’ve done a lot of research and I know that these Youth Groups had a great impact on people but I don’t believe that it could leave the country so blind to the outrageous hatred and sickening acts of the Nazi party. 

People made their choices based on a lot of reasons at the time: unfair treatment of Germany after the First World War, extreme economic depression, loss of nationalist pride, and on a smaller scale, racism.  All of these factors were addressed by Hitler in his teachings and in practice. He jump-started the economy, rearmed the Rhineland, through Slavs, Jews, Homosexuals, and other unwanted people in jail or camps, and he restored Germany’s pride.  Of course Hitler didn’t do all of this by himself. As mentioned before, Hitler was more or less the PR man. Himmler, Goebels, and Heidrich Himmler were the brains of the outfit. Anyway I don’t want to write a history paper right now because I’m writing one for my Andean history class.

Posted: 05 October 2004 01:46 AM   [ # 18 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 18 ]  
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[quote author=“jncsta2000”]Here’s an interesting story…. I’ve been in school for about the past 5 weeks, and over that period of time I’ve found it odd how many people speak poorly of others’ cultures, religions, etc.  Well the other day in gym class (it was free gym, so we didn’t have to do anything) I was talking with this kid.  And HE was talking about how great Hitler was and that anyone who killed 10 million Jews (i think it was actually more like 6 but oh well) was a genius.  I’m 6 feet tall and can benchpress 235 lbs.  When he found out that I was a Jew, he was not excited.  I’m sure you know where it went from there…...

While I would have wanted to do the same thing, I’m not 6 feet tall and can’t benchpress 235 lbs. (though, hopefully one day soon 😉). While I don’t think hitting him was wrong, I certainly wouldn’t condone or suggest that kind of retaliatory behavior. You walk a fine line yourself when you act like that towards ignorant idiots who have a warped sense of reality.

Then again, they might know nothing other than racism… That possibly being the case, sometimes violent reactions towards their venomous words are substantial means of affecting change. Though, I doubt it.

In America, you’re allowed to think what you want, and say what you want. As long as this kid wasn’t doing anything that actually affected someone else’s ability to learn, I think you might have been running the risk of getting into trouble.

What I would’ve recommended, is for you to ask him to kindly stop with his hate mongering comments. If he did not, I would have taken the matter up with the administration. If that didn’t solve the problem, I would belittle him. I’d take the issue to fellow students, and I’d try to make it apparent to him (and whatever like-minded peers he may associate himself with) that his words were better kept to himself. The kind of unanimous response you could draw from your peers might actually affect him. Remember, hating hate doesn’t solve anything, it only generates more hate.

I feel as though I’ve contradicted previous statements, statements in relation to the Wahabi schools in the Middle-East.

Yes, the propaganda/brainwashing is fundamentally similar, but what’s different is the goals or intentions of those that hold these beliefs. The neo-Nazis of America rarely have the balls to take it to homicidal levels, whereas the primary purpose of the lives of those taught in the Wahabi schools is the destruction of anything pro-Israel.

Don’t get me wrong, I, personally, know more than most anybody the potential damage caused by words; they are most certainly comparable to any form of physical damage. Words can hurt just as much as any stick or stone. The welts and bruises left upon one’s soul are every bit as apparent as the scars seen on so many faces, arms, legs, backs, and chests.

I don’t think you can can definitively say one is worse than the other, so I won’t take sides.

What is relevant, is which problem we can affectively deal with. In America, hate can be suppressed and knowledge can be spread to affect the minds of those who harbor such feelings. In the Middle-East, we don’t have that luxury.

We’re already being told that we shouldn’t be sticking our noses in the affairs of the world, but yet we’re expected to do everything with no real effective directive to follow. We can’t go there, we’d lose too many people in trying to “educate” them, and we’d be called even more bad things than we’re already being called. Are we to sit idly by while we’re attacked, while innocent blood is spilt in the holiest of any place on earth, and while the whole world cries out for their respective divine beings to save them from their oppressors? Are you to turn the channel while the commercial depicts, yet again, another starving child that needs your help?

I don’t have the answers for you, but I have the answers I need for myself. And that helps me sleep at night.

Posted: 07 October 2004 03:45 AM   [ # 19 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 19 ]  
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[quote author=“minijigga”]
You walk a fine line yourself when you act like that towards ignorant idiots who have a warped sense of reality.

Yeah.  Violence begets violence.  :think:

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