Funny how people expect perfection.  But who is?
Posted: 30 September 2004 04:52 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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Ever notice how people are so quick to judge? 

If someone is talkative, they “talk too much”.  If they’re quieter they’re labeled as shy or being weak.  If you’re a certain height, you’re too tall, and if shorter you’re a midget.  People who are light skinned are called pale, and others are made fun of because they’re too dark. 

If you rest, you’re called lazy, and if not you’re a workaholic.  If you joke around: immature, if you’re too mature you’re a snob. 

I often wonder who is this “average person” people are comparing us to?  Hmm, I bet even that person would be called “unremarkable”.  :|

Posted: 30 September 2004 05:22 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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Jeez man…that’s deep. Too early in the morning over here on the West Coast for that…

But now that you mention it, its true. Anyone and everyone can be labeled by society as being too “something”.


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Posted: 30 September 2004 06:09 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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life’s a bitch isn’t it?

Posted: 30 September 2004 06:10 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
In The Club
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Yeah take a few sociology classes and it gets really interesting.

Psycology and anthropology are fun too.

Labels serve a very important purpose.  They group and organize people in society.  Let’s face it, we are not average, we are all very very very dynamic and diverse.  You can’t keep up with every single unique trait, so you need a way to better handle the immense amount of information about people.

The problem is, that people forget that labels are just a way to organize information.  It SHOULD be completely objectional.  But they assign meaning to labels, then group things relative to themselves rather than the whole of society.

Technically, to have a true ‘average’ person, they would have to fit either ALL labels, or none.

In reality though, the ‘average’ person is the person found least objectionable by the majority of society.  That is a very very very sad thing.  Because, unfortunately, the majority of society bases their likes and dislikes by what the propoganda machine and corporate advertising tells them to like.

The irony is, that is the majority of people would only realize this, and take a look at the people who are influencing them, they’d see that the ‘influential’ people are the ones, that in the most ‘objectionable’ portions of society, and therefore the least like the ‘average person’ they are told to like.

......or this could all be bs stemming from the relative lack of caffeine in my system.

Posted: 30 September 2004 06:25 AM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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Cmstar, I’ve heard those theories before in my psychology class, as it pertains to stereoypes.  You’re right on target.  It is sad.  First thing people do when they describe a person is to look at what “non-average” thing sticks out:

[list]“The dude with the crooked nose!”
“That girl with the big buck-teeth!”
“The fella with the comb-over”[/list:u]
And then we’re all striving to attain this normalcy which no one really has!  I’ve said it before, but no woman has a perfect body.  There’s always something that’s off.

Posted: 30 September 2004 07:45 AM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
In The Club
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Very very true.  Imperfection is what makes you real.

Though, on the flip side.  I personally don’t particularly care if an individual tries to seek perfection in themselves (plastic surgery, body modification, advanced studies, spiritualism, etc.) or in their potential partner(s).

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and beliefs, and their pursuit of their ideals. 

The key is to not place these ideals and beliefs on others and try to judge them by it.

And that is often much harder than it seems, and I’ll be the first to admit that I do this often.  But I do try not to.

Posted: 30 September 2004 08:34 AM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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[quote author=“antman22”]life’s a bitch isn’t it?

Life is too bitchy.

Posted: 30 September 2004 02:56 PM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
Know It All
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This will sound *extremely* pretentious of me, but I like to define myself as some standard for normalcy, like, all the time. LOL I always argue logically about how more people should do the things that I do and act the way I act. It’s ‘cause I’m the ONLY sane and normal person I know!!!!! Everyone else is so freakin’ weird!!
