I can do 3 minutes.
if i’m lucky 1.5 minutes. i suck at holding my breath.
Probably 1.5-2. When I was a lifeguard I could hold it longer.
that isn’t to bad.. I swim a lot so I have plenty of time to practice holding my breath..
Sorry, wasn’t sure so I had to test it out—2:19…ok *breaths*
wow i attempted it just now. 55 seconds. i suck.
do you smoke?
I do and I can hold it for 3 minutes..
So do I, but I was just askin. 😛
Ask me this question 4 years ago when I ran cross-country and it might be a couple minutes…now it’s around 50 secs.
wow i am pretty bad at holding my breath like 50 seconds and underwater 40 seconds
Maybe 50 seconds.
But I aint overweight, and I dont smoke.
Is the fact that I had 2 cigarettes in my life gonna affect my breathing time? 😛
about 2 minutes… ::passes out::
1-1.5 min.
not that hell of a lot lol. 1 min? i have asthma :(
I have never been “diagnosed” with asthma but I know i have like semiasthma lol
haha lucky you i hate having asthma!