I have not downloaded yet, although I have noticed windows update is showing it as available. A buddy of mine downloaded it though on 2 different PC’s and hasn’t had any problems with it yet—probably over the weekend I’ll download it…good luck if you do.
[quote author=“munkyxtc”]I have not downloaded yet, although I have noticed windows update is showing it as available. A buddy of mine downloaded it though on 2 different PC’s and hasn’t had any problems with it yet—probably over the weekend I’ll download it…good luck if you do.
i had it the day it came out…havne’t had any real problems yet with it…just some typical stuff, like setting permissions for online programs, stuff like that. it’ll block any ftp program you got in a second, lol.
i usually like to patch my system fast, but im a bit wary of sp2…when ibm is holding off, and there is a list of fixes for fixes released *before* the patch is released, it sounds to me like it was forced out before it was really done (most likely as it was delayed for how lonG??)
ill probably put it on my families computer before i head back to school…
[quote author=“DougKaplan”]i downloaded it and shut down my computer before coming to work this morning so when i turn it on later, i cant wait to see what happens.
if it doesnt work, it was nice knowing all of you
hahahahaha. i’m pretty sure it’ll work (unless you got funkiness in ur comp).
i am amused by the giant “programs that don’t work” list ms had….it said nero didn’t work, and i even got a warning the first time opening nero after sp2 install saying “this program is known to conflict with this versions of windows, do you wish to continue? blah blah blah”...i went ahead and used it, didn’t have a problem. worst comes to worst, REFORMAT! weeeee.
I have sp2. I just tried Nero after reading that post and I get no warning and it works fine. No big problems yet, but the new firewall thinks that Lexmark is spying on me. Also, it didn’t seem to detect that Trend Micro Internet Security was running. I tried IE (I usually use Firefox) and was rather disappointed with its popup blocker on moderate settings. I still got many more popups than I get with Firefox. I don’t know very much about what exactly SP2 is meant to do. I’m assuming it includes thousands of background patches I will never notice.
[quote author=“mattmag”]I have sp2. I just tried Nero after reading that post and I get no warning and it works fine. No big problems yet, but the new firewall thinks that Lexmark is spying on me. Also, it didn’t seem to detect that Trend Micro Internet Security was running. I tried IE (I usually use Firefox) and was rather disappointed with its popup blocker on moderate settings. I still got many more popups than I get with Firefox. I don’t know very much about what exactly SP2 is meant to do. I’m assuming it includes thousands of background patches I will never notice.
sp2 should stand for “Security Patch, 2nd go at it.”
only problem i’ve had.. is ie has a new thing where it blocks certain sites from using active x controls on your comp.. so basically i’ll go to a site and it will not give me the option to allow it.. so the site won’t work… now you can click on the little notification and change if you want it to be allowed.. but the bad thing is it causes that instance of ie to not respond. so you have to terminate it..
[quote author=“sweet jesus”]I like how they were supposed to make it harder for stolen copies of Windows to get this service pack yet I had no problem.
Mine isn’t technically stolen, but it is a bulk lisense key for my school that I’m not supposed to have!!! I can install it on as many computers as I want, with no product activation. I don’t give it to other people, though… cause it IS my school’s lisense, don’t want to get them in trouble or nothin.
[quote author=“sweet jesus”]I like how they were supposed to make it harder for stolen copies of Windows to get this service pack yet I had no problem.
Me 1 Microsoft 0
I actually purchased my copy of XP Pro—Although after installing on all of my PC’s 5, I get a message that basically tells me that I wore out my welcome and i need to call MS tech support.
All I need to do to get around is call them, flip out, and they give me a new product key with every install… :D
Yours are 15 bucks? Geez I’m sorry man. You got ripped off! Mine was $5 from the campus bookstore. Although Office 2003 is also $10 at my school. But Office 2003 is also one of the programs available off the school’s central server, so we can do a network install, so no need to purchase a disk. I think the disk is just there so we can install it when we are at home, and not on the network. Almost all the cool programs are available as network installs.
Yeah, we are only allowed one copy of each disk, too. I should have bought officeXP last year, but didn’t. And I haven’t bought winXP or Office2003 yet, either. I haven’t bought any of the disks. I figure as long as I have network installs, I can wait till I graduate, then just buy all the newest OS and office CDs.
windows update came up asking me to download it on two of my machines two days ago. I said go ahead. I haven’t seen a message yet saying “install now” or anything through. *shrugs*