Zack Braff is a great actor. I’ve seen him on scrubs, but never thought of him pullin out the drama card on us. Not that it was all drama, cuz trust me, there was plenty funny. For some reason I think he sorta resembles the late John Ritter, a funny man also. Natalie Portman did a good job also, she needed something to pick her up fromher Queen Amidala gig. The movie was written and directed by Zack, and for a first time film, I say he outdid himself. If he plans on making more movies, he’s set the bar high. The script, I thought, was well written, the dialogue between characters was superb.
Though this movie had the elements of a “chick flick” it had enough humor to make the movie entertaining. I went into this movie having no idea what it was about, and came out quite satisfied with what it had to offer.
p.s. the soundtrack does rock. went perfectly with the film.
I’m talking absolutely gorgeous. I remember when that chick flick “anywhere but here” came out, and I ‘allowed’ myself to be dragged to this movie by a cadre of girls just because Ms. Portman was in it. Thus is her power.
Plus, even though Star Wars EP 1 sucked, I saw EP 2 anyway because she was in it. And hotter than ever.
I was scanning the release info for Garden State, trying to figure out the closest driving distance to a theatre showing Garden State….when I discovered the most amazing thing! IT’S SHOWING IN TUCSON! HOLY CRAP!
You see, the pdf is messed up, and the column on the left showed the wrong city…kept repeating the same city name down the list…I accidentally trailed my gaze off and saw, “Tuscon, AZ”! I was like, how in the hell did I miss this before?! Then I saw where the pdf was errored…anyway, I AM GOING TO SEE IT THIS FRIDAY!!! SWEET!
back on topic, everyone knows ms. portman is a hotty 😛
I think I’m going to go for a third time this weekend if i can get this one chick to go with me…each time i talk to her about it she’s always like, oh yeah i really wanna go see it…her and her friend…just, that it’s a weird connection with her ‘cause she’s my best friend’s that’s kina’ weird…but i like her, and i guess that’s wrong ...but i dunno.
i wanna take her to see this movie tho 😛
man i’m tired, getting a bit late for posting, i bet im pretty much alone on the forums /looks around and doesn’t really see anybody, but that could be due to the fuzzy haze that has consumed his vision 😛
it’s hard for him to even see his brand spankin’ new 27” Sony WEGA…even though it’s so glorious and shiny…and if you get close enough you can smell that new electronics smell 😛
I haven’t seen it yet. I just saw a preview for it the first time today and watching the preview i say “Wow this looks like a really good movie” Then at the end it says “Garden State in theaters now” im like wow they were right
AHH! I want to go see it again, and all my friends are like, “Sure, we’ll go! I really want to see it!” Then when it comes time to go, they bitch out on me :(
Frou Frou? Try her CD entitled, “Details”. I like Travis too, but that’s not on the soundtrack :( Only on the trailer…