I’m a youngin’, and about a month ago I hurt my back pretty badly. I can’t remember what it was that caused the back pain, but I know that I was in bed (which coincidentally is the worst thing for a bad back 😛) for about a week constantly in spastic pain that had me in (yes, I’m masculine enough to say it 😛) tears at times. I was in such bad pain that I couldn’t even lie down and avoid the pain, it was a constant throb that wouldn’t go away. I ended up experimenting with Icey Hot, and then I finally went to see the doctor. He said that using Icey Hot (or hot pressure products) wasn’t the way sports medicine is currently treating muscle fatigue injuries. Best to ice it to death (‘till you can’t feel it 😛), and stay off it for a few days…
Yeah, I’ve hurt my back from lifting something 😛