Haven’t decided completely, but I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get the following 2 items as I intend to use the Ipod more in the car stuck in traffic than actually sitting around.
I’ve heard mixed reviews on the iTrip, but if you don’t have a cassete player there’s not much you can do. I use a cassette adapter in my car with my 3rd gen. I’m still debating what to do with the 4th.
I would definatly like to purchase an iSkin case for whichever I choose to keep.
I will at least be buying a case (probably a iSkin). Also will be probably be getting a iTrip, hopefully can find a good deal on one. I am also interested in getting a remote (one of the wired ones) to make it easier to use in my pocket on in the car. A dock would also be nice, but I think I am going to try to trade in my 20 for a 40 at BestBuy or something, and it comes with a dock (I think its like $40 otherwise, although cheaper on eBay).
I got the tunedok, and itrip like I said I was going to—definately a must have for anyone that has a lot of driving to do…works awesome and you can choose over 100 different channels to tune in, so you’ll always be able t oo pick up the signal
I guess i gotta get an iSkin. Maybe I’ll get an iTrip, but I only listen to Radio in the car. I figure, I have 1,000+ songs on the iPod, that should keep me occupied.