Why do you think it is marketed towards 6 year olds? All the ads I’ve seen of this device seem to indicate Sony is trying to sell it off to teenagers. Besides this peripheral is not that expensive, I don’t understand why you consider only wealthy families can purchase it.
You drew a correlation between a youngster wildly swinging his arms around to that of Power Rangers? Hmm, I can’t say that I don’t find that… peculiar… in the slightest. :lol:
the xbox eyetoy you can tell is just a refrabicated webcam, further proving that the xbox is just a PC. at least change the style from your basic logitech webcam to disguise it.
Well, i just hope the Xbox EyeToy is better than the pure #### PS2 version….
I mean the PS2 version senses things before they happen, like if your hand is anywhere NEAR the area in Groove, you get a hit, resulting in a good, resulting in losing :(