A business card is a very brief introduction to the client or customer whom you are going to meet up with. It is a small piece of card yet carrying valuable contact information about your company and you. Therefore, it becomes very much essential that you represent your company and yourself in the best possible manner for it is the first impression that makes the best and the lasting impression. A good business card logo design placed at the right position on the business card will make a desired impact on the mind of the person whom you are going to meet.
Business cards are the most effective way and cheapest way also to spread the word about your business in your circles or even in circles unknown. They serve as ice-breakers and give you an opportunity to introduce yourself and the business you represent. So, when a good business card logo design is put up on your card, it helps people to easily associate between the logo and the business you conduct. This easy association is a good sign for people will conveniently recollect your company’s name when they are actually in need of your services. Therefore, the logo should definitely depict a significant feature of the business.
Moreover, when a logo is designed, it should be designed in such a way that it can be used on any platform…be it t-shirts, diaries, envelopes, letter heads, folders, pens, business cards, brochures or any other form of stationery. So, when it is a universally usable logo design, it can be very much used on the business cards too. Having one design for the company and another for the business cards or stationery is not advisable. It is ideal to design the logo design in the vector format so that the same logo is resized and used as per necessity on different platforms.