There are many players who like to run m3 games alot. Recently one such game is ‘4 Elements’ which is widely played on m3 real. While running the game on this device players will come to know that the ancient kingdom is in trouble. The magic of the four elements that kept it running for centuries has been corrupted. It is up to the player to unlock the 4 ancient books of magic and collect 16 mysterious cards that will help them to restore the kingdom to life.
Players should drop all the game files directly on to the micro sd card rather than the onboard chip. All the different ranges of micro sd card speed is well supported by m3 real with no lag in game. Anyone can run ‘4 Elements’ on any range of micro sd card which is induced into m3 real . Its action replay cheat enables the player to run the game without any difficulty. Players can do the changes of the of the background of Operation Interface. Since the device is induced with automatically save detect type players should not worry about losing games. Its user friendly skinnable interface and touchscreen or button operation enables the player to overcome all the critical modes of the game.