Posted: 03 July 2010 09:02 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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Total Posts:  2
Joined  2010-07-03

We are totally independent at Living In The Sun giving you the peace of mind that we are not tied to any estate agent or large organization - just real people that have taken the step that you are yearning to take.
What we weren’t expecting was how different Living In The Sun actually was compared to the information that we had been fed through online forums and other expats in similar situations to ourselves. Another huge drawback was that people we met were generally over the age of 65 and didn’t have knowledge of the education sector or finding employment if you were looking for a local job.
Within the Living In The Sun website we have put together all the different nuggets of information that we have found since moving abroad. There is literally something for everyone on this website whether you are young or planning your retirement in the sun.
We all like to have knowledge of what services are available to us so that we can make informed choices and along the way save as much money as we can. One thing you will find though is that it will never be plain sailing all the way - things will happen just like it will in every country and those that blend in from the beginning and try to mix with the fellow expats the most will have the best success Living In The Sun.

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