Somebody else truly buy it on the Ps3? Have to say I’m pretty joyful I did, because it came on one round and looks great in blu-ray, can’t imagine playing it on the 360 at all.
As much of a fan as the program I am, impact to say I feel slightly off about this installment, not completely disappointed in any sense, it has a decent sufficiency news to carry it through. Only on the 11th chapter cause other things needed to be done, but I feel that when I do finish it, there won’t be any replay value after that, cause most of it is just straight forward, but in an artifact I actually like that concept.
Have to say though, that the strategic system is a plus side, because the battles refer more thinking and happy the “attack” doesn’t support solve everything. Resonance of Fate is much better I find, as far as gameplay goes, and if you ask me, it’s what FFXIII could’ve been. Still bright though it’s not as long as previous titles, just long enough for an RpG.