Several companies are indulge in the production of various forms of memory stick. One such manufacturer is SanDisk who is indulge in the production of memory stick . Features of sandisk memory stick duo are compact and easy to use, high reliability, content versatility, large storage capacities, High-speed data transfer rate of 15Mbps, advanced security with Access Control Function and MagicGate technology, and much more. The shape of Memory Stick is ergonomically designed for easy handling. Also, unlike other flash memory cards, its easy to distinguish the front from the back and the top from the bottom of a Memory Stick in order to prevent misuse or accidental loss of data. Memory stick small size is beneficial in many ways such as its small size enables the development of compatible products that are compact and portable.
Memory Stick is designed to be highly resistant to shock and vibration because of its solid-state construction with no moving parts. Its connector unit and pins have special features that provide reliability in the device. Also the appearance of Memory Stick making it easier to insert into products and ensures highly reliable exchange of data. Memory Stick has only 10 pins with longer lengths to ensure more reliable exchange of datas.