How to Copy PS3 Games?
Posted: 02 May 2010 10:13 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-05-02

My teacher told me that it isn’t very simple to burn bluray games. Don’t get it confused with the bluray movies, because to burn those you need a bluray burner and blank bluray discs (which would cost you a fortune). Every single bluray game disc has a key written on it, and there is absolute no way to find out that key. Why? Well lets just assume that sony did one hell of a job to protect bluray discs. Now, the only way to find the key is to literally guess the whole damn thing. is it possible? Yeah but the chances are 0.1%. You have no clue how long is that key because every different disc key has different lengths. It could be 20 l/c, 40 l/c, or possibly 500 l/c You have no clue! And then some letters/characters of the key could be special cases so there is another problem.

In conclusion; It would be 100% more wiser to actually buy/borrow the damn bluray disc than actually try to copy one.

Posted: 25 May 2010 09:44 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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Joined  2009-08-31

In conclusion; It would be 100% more wiser to actually buy/borrow the damn bluray disc than actually try to copy one.
