Copying to the Xbox Hard Drive
Posted: 26 April 2010 08:56 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-04-26

1.  Step 1
    Download the “DVD2XBOX” software onto your Xbox 360 console. Once it’s installed, it should appear in the Xbox dashboard under “Applications.”
  2.  Step 2
    Open the DVD2Xbox program and place a game disk in the console. First, go to “Settings” by pressing the white controller button. Enable both the F and G drives. Then, push the back button.
  3.  Step 3
    Press the controller’s “A button” once you have a “DVD: XBOX Software” message at the screen bottom. Choose either the E, F or G drives and the “games” subdirectory to copy the game to. Then, press “A.”
  4.  Step 4
    Start the copying process by pressing the “Start” button. When the machine finishes copying, you will get a confirmation screen and can then exit the program.

Posted: 27 April 2010 09:14 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
You > Me
Total Posts:  93
Joined  2009-08-31

Start the copying process by pressing the ?Start? button. When the machine finishes copying, you will get a confirmation screen and can then exit the program.
