How To Solve PSP Memory Card Unrecognized Problem
Posted: 26 March 2010 10:48 PM     [ Ignore ]  
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Joined  2010-03-26

Unrecognized memory card seems to be a common problem for PSP owners. If this problem occurs, your PSP won?t recognize your Pro Duo card (it says that no memory card inserted). Sometimes, you can?t even read the card using your computer?s card reader. As a PSP owner, I?ve also experienced this problem for a couple of times. At first, I thought the card was broken so I just throw it out and buy a new one. This new card works, but only for days. I then tried to read the card using my laptop, saved the data, and formatted it. It worked, but again, only for a few days before the PSP unrecognized the card.

Most people on internet suggested that the card might be fake. But the same thing happened when I used the original card from the PSP package, so I?m sure the problem is from the PSP itself, not from the card. There are many alternative solutions on the web, but almost all of them didn?t work for me.

Except one.
