How to Maintain an Xbox 360?
Posted: 22 March 2010 10:16 PM     [ Ignore ]  
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Joined  2010-03-22

Place your Xbox 360 in an open area. Confined areas are one of the main ways your Xbox can generate too much heat. Keep your Xbox 360 out of enclosed entertainment centers or be sure that there is proper ventilation and that you leave the door open while the console is on.Put your Xbox 360 on a solid surface. Soft surfaces like carpet, blankets or furniture like beds and couches do not allow the Xbox 360 to ventilate properly. They also absorb heat more than harder surfaces so be sure your Xbox is on a solid surface like wood.Get some air under your power supply. It is important to keep your Xbox 360 cool, but you also need to keep the power supply cool. The power supply is the dark gray brick between your Xbox and the wall outlet. Be sure air can circulate all the way around the power supply. Place something under the edges of the power supply if you need to.

Posted: 24 March 2010 12:40 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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Joined  2010-03-24

Well heres a few things to keep in mind. Don’t leave the disk in the tray when you’re not playing (it messes up the drive when you start it up) Don’t keep the disk in the drive, turn it off then eject it (this will scratch the disk) Keep in a well ventilated area or better yet buy a fan for it. Find other hobbies to occupy your life ex guitar, shark hunting, bear wrestling, climbing mt everest etc 😊 and the final one is to please I stress this. PLEASE keep your receipt because xbox 360 love breaking down and keeping that receipt may save you the hassle especially if you buy it at costco then you can return it whenever and don’t forget about that warranty. Anyways hope that helps don’t bring it over people houses all the time too since that causes jarring and can mess it up . I had 3 break down on me and I don’t even play much. So good luck my friend and happy gaming.
