Does the size of the stakeboard matter?
Posted: 09 March 2010 09:28 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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Joined  2010-03-09

When buying a board one of the main things to take into consideration is the size of the board. It may even be more important then the brand you choose. First look at the width. A thinner board may flip faster, while a wider board gives you more surface to land on, and to disperse your weight. You will also want a wider board if you are a big person or have big feet. If you want to ride transitions (ramps) a larger board will also give you more stability. Make sure that the width of the deck matches up with the width of your trucks. If the deck is wider then the trucks, you will have a tippy feeling ride. The length of a deck doesn?t seem to have as big as an impact as the width does. You may want to go longer if you are a taller person, or a shorter deck if you are short. Some riders also check the wheelbase of their decks. The wheelbase is the distance between the trucks, measured from the inside. The average wheelbase is between 13.75 and 14.5 inches.
