Posted: 09 February 2010 01:48 AM     [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-02-08

I am twenty-years old and I know very little about computers. I jst got my first one last year and before that all I knew about computers was microsoft word which I used only for school essays. LAME I KNOW. I have taken so many classes but I forget most of what I learn since I don’t apply it in my daily life. Unlike, most I still have to look down to the keyboard to type. I feel like the only one in my age range who has such dificulty. Gotta get better cuz in this day n age all careers require knowledge in computers n a minimum of WPM.

Posted: 16 February 2010 10:09 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
I've Only Posted Once!
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2010-02-16

Yeah alot of things revolve around computers now some buisnesses don’t even do anything outside of the internet and big chain shops are now putting themselves on the internet to try to compete with them as many people don’t go out to shop anymore. Lot’s of stuff you can do like databases spread sheets, websites and you don’t end up with a load of lose papper spread everywhere. I’m useless with my college notes. There are lots of jobs that you don’t need to know anything about computers to do though however everything countsand competition is high. (Altough thats probably just for me now tonnes of people apply to university overqualified they turn away people who are qualified enough even over qualified as there are nolonger enough spaces). For buisness Microsoft Excel and the one for making databases in are good ones to know a bit about people like putting orders on them and you can make graphs and spread sheets so that people can enter information in to a sheet and it gives them an estimate of prices for their order.

Posted: 24 February 2010 09:28 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
In The Club
Total Posts:  145
Joined  2009-08-31

you don?t end up with a load of lose papper spread everywhere. all careers require knowledge in computers n a minimum of WPM.
