Hard to get what you want in China?!
Posted: 21 October 2009 11:01 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  28
Joined  2009-09-15

From last year 2008 till now, my boyfriend and me are placing our eyes on China Real estate , really hoping to own our apartment so that to we can get married as expected, To our biggest surprise, the Real estate of the price in China is growing up and up, now is rainsing to be more than 23000RMS per square meter.
To our shock and angry and disappointed, we still can’t fight with the Real estate marketing, it seems the Real estate marketing is controled by Chinese Govement which is full of corrupt when it comes to public policy, the govement taking use of the power Authority & violence then upgrade the value of real estate day by day. from the 3000RMB per square meter in the year 2003 till now 23000RMB in the year 2009.
what a horrible thing, and i think with the passage of time, more and more Chinese people will Revolt from govement’s exploitation or there will be Turmoil, Riot or even the war will be broken if the situation is going on. Indeed i m in the half of common Chinese people now releasing our true voice and wishes to the govement, just want any just & fair can be arrival here in China.

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