Windows 7
Posted: 24 June 2008 06:21 PM     [ Ignore ]  
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They are gonna come out with a new windows os called windows 7. I dont know if it will sell well considering gas prices and things, I have xp myself and happy with it, and my mom has vista which isnt bad either, but alot of people who have xp and vista right now arent i dont think anyway gonna just run and buy another computer just because theres a new windows out. Alot of people cant afford it right now. Windows 7 looks good and interesting not putting it down by now means buy I just think they should of waited until people could afford to do so is all.

Posted: 24 June 2008 06:26 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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They will probably push Windows 7 to replace the flaws with Vista. I know many people along with myself that probably never will buy Vista and just wait till Windows 7 hits before upgrading.

Posted: 24 June 2008 06:42 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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Yeah but I think that alot of people to that have xp will just wait until they can afford it and not upgrade for awhile. I know if I were gonna upgrade I wouldnt buy windows vista right now with windows 7 coming out before long that would be crazy, but I also think that people with vista right now may wait awhile before they buy windows 7 for the fact that vista really hasnt been out real long and for people like my mom that havent had their computers long they wont want to just rush out and buy a new one right off.

Posted: 24 June 2008 08:18 PM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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You have been too quick in judging Windows 7.  It doesn’t come out till late 2009, so there’s still a long way to go!  I’ve read your posts and it looks like you’re saying “No one will buy Windows 7 if they can’t afford it”.  True statement, I agree!  No one will buy anything unless they can afford it.

Posted: 24 June 2008 08:49 PM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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Shan Gee - 24 June 2008 11:18 PM

No one will buy anything unless they can afford it.

You couldn’t be more.. wrong.  Everyone buys things they can’t afford.  Houses, cars, eletronics just to mention a few.  The word credit card comes to mind, that’s not money you have but yet people use it like it’s money they have “saved up”.  Why do you think there are SO many houses on foreclosures now-a-days because people bought a house they simply couldn’t afford, they thought they could..

I don’t like credit cards, but they are good to have for emergencies.  Everyone laughs at me when I saw that, but it’s true.  I don’t carry any credit cards, I carry my AMEX charge card and my debit card.  A charge card is not a credit card, but i’ll that’s a whole other discussion.  -Sorry to get a lil off topic-

Posted: 24 June 2008 09:31 PM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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I would have to go with Shan Gee, it is too early to tell what is going on with Windows 7 and although there are many screenshots of it all over the internet, they could easily change it up and alter it in a few weeks for all we know. I just recently got Windows Vista so I’m not even thinking about Windows 7. However, it does look like, from the screenshots, a fantastic version and very smooth and elegant. I’m not too sure how many people will actually be rushing out to get this when it will be released, but it is something to watch for in the future.

Posted: 25 June 2008 11:38 AM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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I have to agree it does look like a good version, its just I think they should of just left vista out for awhile longer. Like you some people just got vista or they still have xp, I just dont see anyone going right out to buy it right off is all. But if they do something really spectacular with windows 7 then maybe that might make people go out and find a way to upgrade, I dont know. Guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

Posted: 25 June 2008 12:38 PM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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Or some like me will just keep XP and wait till Windows 7 comes out before upgrading. I’ve messed around some with Vista and don’t really care for it, so I’ll just save my money for when Windows 7 comes out.

Posted: 25 June 2008 03:04 PM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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yeah thats true to, I have messed around with vista and I dont think its bad at all. In a way almost reminds me of xp. I just think they came out with windows 7 to fast after vista to really give it a chance. They should of just improved vista alittle more before coming out with a new os, in my opinion.

Posted: 25 June 2008 04:16 PM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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I know! A lot of people have not even jumped on board with Windows Vista and I don’t blame them, I mean, if you already have a perfectly working Windows, why upgrade? I did like Windows XP a lot and it did take some time to get use to Windows Vista.

Posted: 25 June 2008 04:38 PM   [ # 10 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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Yeah windows vista isnt bad though my mom has it and it has been pretty good so far for her. I like windows xp, before that I had windows 98 and it took me alittle bit to get used to xp. I think back then the scare with xp was just that it had a different look to it and placed things in different places.

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