Cool tricks for anyone that uses MSPaint!
Posted: 08 June 2008 12:26 AM     [ Ignore ]  
I'm A Regular
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Joined  2008-05-31

i like using mspaint sometimes, even though i have photoshop- its just for the challenge =]
so i found a webpage that can really help you out if you use it too, not only for drawing but simple picture editing, and a cool extra trick that youll probably never find a use for lol
i hope this will help some of you!

Posted: 08 June 2008 12:31 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
In The Club
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Joined  2008-05-31

I am pretty good with paint for a teenage girl. Anyway, try to zoom in when click on the “View” tab. Use a light bursh or penicil, draw whatever and it’ll look professional. I can’t explain it well, you’ll have to maybe see a tutorial like this


These two videos were official. I wish to become a pro at this.

Posted: 08 June 2008 12:40 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
I'm A Regular
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yep! iv seen both those videos, eclecticasylumart and picster are some of my fav artists on youtube =]
the best things iv made with mspaint are

nothin much but im better at photoshop :\

Posted: 08 June 2008 01:01 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
In The Club
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Joined  2008-05-31

I’ll say, you’re better than me at paint I’ll admit. Though, I did compose a self-portrait though. It’s in one of my photobucket accounts, but I’m too lazy to do a research on it. The Gaara pic owns.

Posted: 02 July 2008 10:13 PM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
I'm A Regular
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Joined  2008-05-23

I think this exactly shows how great the program Paint is. I believe a majority of people everywhere have at least opened up Paint at least once and tried it out. It is just a simple and nice program and those are absolute masterpieces. It is crazy to imagine how much time was devoted to those videos that Shady Freak posted. Nice find of the tutorial sharkhead7854, some of them I certainly did not know about…Paint can do SO much. 😉
