Scissors in the place of hands.
Posted: 04 June 2008 12:30 PM     [ Ignore ]  
I'm A Regular
Total Posts:  566
Joined  2008-04-30

Just imagine that you were born with scissors for hands?

Would you go to doctor and have a operation to get proper hands or would you stay with the hands and consider it a gift or something?

Posted: 04 June 2008 02:24 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
I'm A Regular
Total Posts:  566
Joined  2008-05-23

Well, another odd question, but if I was born with scissors, I would most definitely want to get an operation. Human beings have hands for a reason and that is what makes us quite unique and that we have thumbs too. Hands and fingers makes our lives easier, and I won’t talk that much about the importance because I believe everyone knows why we have fingers/hands. 😉 It is something that I would get removed right away if I could and although it could be quite a neat little gift, I would much rather have hands/fingers.
