Team Fortress 2 gaming and request to play.
Posted: 20 January 2008 09:51 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  37
Joined  2007-05-10

I’m not much of an online gamer but have played UT2k4 online (username: AIJack) and have played a number of free MMOs, but just recently the Steam service has gotten my attention and I’ve been playing the holy living hell out of Team Fortress 2 which must mean it’s damn good to grab my picky attention.  I go by the username of OldschoolVgamer in the game and if you want to get me on your Steam friends lists just ask me or one of the three other members of my list, racingfreak, Robotkio, or Kool Kaz.

Besides I need the game achievements (PC version) and there is one achievement where you need 7 people on your friends list playing on the same server at the same time to acquire it.

By the way, I did attempt to play Half-Life 2 Deathmatch but the immaturity on one of the servers got too much for me to bear.  Some 12 or 13 year old kid kept calling another guy “gay” and “a fag” in voice chat only for the other guy who has a username like “Hentai Otaku” was arguing back telling him “So you want my red rocket in your mouth?” as well as there was numerous jokes about what if a person was in Britain and wanted to smoke some cigarettes that he wants to suck a fag.  I just left after a while because it was too much.  Server is called “[GU] Coop” if you’re curious.

Jesus!  Now I know why there are as many loser or nerd stereotypes about gamers because of sh*t like this!

Anyways, come join me in a rousing game of TF2.  I’m getting a lot better at it!

Posted: 22 January 2008 01:12 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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Joined  2008-01-14

Thanks a lot for the heads up Initiation.  I know what you’re saying about immaturity of online gaming.  I’m looking for a new place to play, so maybe I’ll check out Team Fortress.  Any idea how much it costs to join up?

Posted: 24 January 2008 05:08 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  37
Joined  2007-05-10

The only costs to playing is buying the game itself, which is included in the Orange Box collection.  For TF2 in the PC version of the Orange Box it doesn’t cost a thing to play online.  But you need a Steam account to play, which isn’t hard to set up at all.

Posted: 31 May 2008 04:24 PM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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Joined  2008-05-31

If anyone whats to play TF2 just let me know or add me on your friends list
” Skyline_R34 ” is my user name or you can check me out in Xfire “34skyline”

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