Is anyone interested in the idea of contributing to a PC game mod?  Then I got one for you…
Posted: 11 December 2007 12:24 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  37
Joined  2007-05-10

I’m a member of the message boards for a company called Diversions Entertainment, the company who made a series of PC exclusive fighting games called One Must Fall with One Must Fall 2097 and One Must Fall Battlegrounds release in 1995 and 2003 respectively.  The original was considered a cult classic.

Anywho, a member came onto the message boards by the name of Vipes who is starting up a project that he now calls One Must Fall Destiny.  It is supposed to be a Soul Caliber-style fighting game mod for Unreal Tournament 3 that remakes and remixes all sorts of elements primarily from OMF2097 with some from the lesser known BG.  So if there is anyone here who is into mod making or wants to see the PC cult classic One Must Fall resurrected in mod form, then go ahead and contact Vipes on the OMF message boards ( or contact him, under the name Lord_Vipes, in One Must Fall Destiny’s profile ( to sign up.

Current mod team includes:
Relic (mapper)
Reason3d (modeler)
Wup (music)

Positions open:
Texture Artist
Sound Creators
Voice Actors

Feel free to join up!

Posted: 31 May 2008 01:03 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
In The Club
Total Posts:  125
Joined  2008-05-24

I used to play OMF2097 with my brothers and may I say that I was very good at beating them. However, they got better and ended up beating me, especially since they had the knack for the special moves combos that always seemed to slip my mind. I’m going to head over to this site and see if they are still up, or if the new mod is out yet.
