Free King of swords offer.
Posted: 01 October 2007 11:04 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2007-10-01

So interesting thing when coming back from upstate, i was lucky enough to bump into a local anime convention! Not only were there plenty of anime lovers alike, but a lot of girls too! =D Needless to say i spent a majority of my time here. What i loved the most was the costumes, i bumped into a guy dressed like Trunks from DBZ and he had the most realistic anime sword i have ever seen. The first thing i asked him was where can i get swords like that and he told me I thought simple enough, and decided to check it out later that night. To be honest i expected real swords but with even bigger price tags, but i was wrong, the prices are GREAT. I mean they had harry potter replicas, suits of armor, and even stun guns for less than half of what you would pay at chinatown. I highly recommend this site for any cosplay lover. Right now i’m looking at the naruto kunai knives, they are so cool.anime sword

Posted: 05 December 2007 01:29 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2007-12-05

Don’t believe King of Swords. He personally, or has cronies do it for him, posts “Wow, cool King of Swords, check him out!” in forums across the net.

The reality is that King of Swords is a cheap imitation of a real business. I ordered a cheap toy sword from them, and they charged me immediately for the sword, including shipping. After a week or so of the status of my order showing as “approved” I started trying to find someone at King of Swords who could give me information about when my order would be completed. Over the next week, I left, I think 3 voice mails, and sent emails or posts to every contact point I could find for KOS, asking for a status update on my order - it has been two weeks, are you going to ship? He continued to ignore every attempt I made to contact him.

His eventual response was to say that he canceled my order and would issue a refund   -  that was an easier answer for him than simply telling me when it would ship? And, yes, he did mis-spell “canceled”.

I would not trust KOS or anything they sell.

Posted: 31 May 2008 03:03 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
In The Club
Total Posts:  127
Joined  2008-05-29

ok know i know this site is bad news. thanks for the heads up

Posted: 31 May 2008 03:06 PM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
I'm A Regular
Total Posts:  547
Joined  2008-05-19

Thanks for the heads up. Wont be trusting them at all, wont buy anything either!!
