This is more of an idea than a prediction for video games in 10-20 years, but a prediction nonetheless. Before I begin, I would like to say that I am assuming that there are no security problems with this. In this time period, there will be two ways to get content, either in a game store or through digital distribution, kind of similar to today. When you walk into a gamestore, say GameStop, there will be no games on the wall. On the walls will be toutchscreen LCD screens displaying the games. Less employees will be needed and there will be no clutter of games to manage. Also, people can try the games here before they buy them. Additionally, with all of the free space, the game store can host video game tournaments by using the LCDs. The hard drives in PCs and consoles will be hologram discs (for those of you who don’t know what this is, here Hologram discs hold 4 terabytes of data and have a transfer rate of 125 megabytes/second. Each gaming PC and console will have two of these in each, one backup internal hard disc and one detachable one. For those people who do not have the internet, or simply don’t want to use it to get games, they will have to take their deatchable hologram disc and plug it into a download center at the game store. Downloadable ontent, such as new maps and such can be purchased at the download center as well. This will eliminate “used” games. Let’s face it people. Used games are destroying the industry. Developers lose so much money on used games. Eliminating “used” games will exponentially increase the money that the developers are going to make and, in turn, the price of new video games will drop; it is a win-win situation for the consumer and the developer. Also, the more money that developers have, the better games we will get. Anyway, this is my idea/perdiction for gaming in the future. What is yours?