Fortune Cookies ! Pick Me ! Pick Me !
Posted: 26 June 2006 03:10 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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Joined  2006-06-24

Fortune Cookies ! Pick Me ! Pick Me !
If you are curious and want to know what is in side, then you will be stun and shock with what is install for you in side! Other than that, this is so, so! much better than what you are looking for if you can keep an open mind at least until you become enlighten by this article(a little patient is needed to make it work and you will not regret it). After reading this you will be posed with a question, what if I could? and if I should? than you are going to worship this! Now that I got your attention you should consider doing this!

If You Ever Wondered If It Is Possible to Make Money online and Do So Surprisingly Fast! Then You Are Going To Love This! It Can Work For Everyone. This program works no matter what country you are in, or what currency you use. It doesn’t matter how old or how young you are. ?THIS IS THE BEST IDEA AMONG ALL MONEY MAKERS!!!” How can you earn money though PayPal. What I?m going to do here is try throwing as much rational fact and realities into the situation, so that you can have a clear picture and base on your own conclusion to determine your next action. I DON?T EVEN HAVE TO CONVINCE YOU THAT THIS IS NOT A SCAM! BECAUSE IT MAKE LOGICAL SENCE. Just Make Sure You Read and Fully Understand This Article before you take any action. By the time you finish reading this column, you might just give yourself and your financial worries a break for once, now that I am about to give you a fabulous MONEY COW CONCEPT Dollar Making Idea! Remember you don?t have to trust what I said, you just need to be open minded and evaluate for yourself, trust your own logical instinct to judge for yourself whether it?s reasonably effective as well as practical to do so. Within the first 30 Days of operating this program, I have turn $14 USD into $700,000 by using PayPal, Finish Reading Before You Go to PayPal website.?.., I know that this must sound like an outrageous claim, particularly if you have never had possession of this sort of money before, but take my word for now,(at least until you finish reading this column) this program works like nothing else you may have ever seen before in your life! THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR FINANCIAL LIFE! By simply using just a copy of this page and the simplest and most popular Internet payment system in existence! You have most likely seen or heard about this project on TV programs such as 20/20 and Oprah Winfrey, or you may have read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not, here it is below revealed to you step-by-step detail. But first, lets look at the benefit that this program can give you:-

5 factors make this program so successful:-
? Extremely Fast Response !!!
? Extremely High Response Rate !!!
? Unlimited Profit Potential !!!
? Quick, Simple !
? Cheap to Get Started Because of the VIRTUALLY ZERO INVESTMENT !
Speed, and High Profit potential, this program has a VERY HIGH RESPONSE RATE! And all from just a simple email and a few simple $2.00 USD PayPal transaction! In fact, this program has faster results and a higher response rate than any other Internet program you could possibly participate in! For most email marketing campaigns, the average response rate is between 0.5% and 5%. However this particular program typically generates a response rate of between 20% and 30%. This is because this program is so easy to implement, it costs next to nothing, it takes just 30 minutes to 1 hour to implement, and the results can be seen within days. This program really keeps it short and simple! UNLIMITED INCOME POTENTIAL!

Benefits that you enjoy:-
? You Get Detailed, Easy to Follow Startup Instructions at No Cost !
? Everyone Pay You In Cash via Your PayPal Account !!!
? You Will Obtain A System Which Costs Nothing to Produce!
? Your Only Overhead Is Your Time and The Merely $14 USD !
? After You Have send a couple hundred email to different People, You Will Have 100s of Millions of Potential People Like You to Assist You in Your Dreams as well as Others !!!
The amazing thing about this system is you can start instantly, without needing the following:-
? Never have to have your own products.
? Never have to stock any inventory.
? Never have to take or ship orders.
? Never require you to make any sales.
? Never have to buy any reports from the net.
? Never have to answer any e-mail.
? Never have to answer any phone calls.
? Never have to works any set hours.
? Never have to deal with customers or follow-up on leads. In fact the best part, you do
not need to come into contact with any people whatsoever !!! (unless you want too.)
? Never have to fork out any huge investments or pay for advertising, etc.
By now, if you have some interest in the concept, please do read further. I will try to keep it short & simple as possible, but it?s going to be quite some pages in view to unfold everything there is to know about this system so as it will appeal simple & easy for you to distinguish the potential that it hold. After you have done it, been there, you will agree this is the shortest shortcut to become wealthy in terms of Blink! Blink!
A little while back, I was browsing through the internet, and came across an article that said you could make thousands of dollars within a short time with only an initial investment of $14.00 US Dollar! I was very curious. Therefore I kept reading. It said that you send $2.00 to each of the 7 email listed in this article via PayPal. You then remove the first email address and place your own email address in the bottom of the list. Mail the article in at least a minimum of 200 people. I was skeptical at first and a little worried about the legal aspects let along it feel very ridicules doing it, so I carry out some research of my own and come across this on a bulletin board that claimed :-
It follows the same regulations as the mailed chain letters, which according to the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) is indeed legal! This giant concept is 100% legal (refer to US Lottery Laws, Title 18, Section 1302 and 1341,or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of Federal Regulations, Volume 16,Sections 255 and 436, which state a product or service must be exchanged for money received).

Shortly when I fully understand the concept and I thought it over and over, and after talking to some people, Ideally it is possible to take a shortcut to success, I then decided to try it. I invested the measly $14. GUESS WHAT! Within a couple of days, I started to get money in my PayPal account! I was alarmed! I thought it would end soon. However the money just kept on coming in rapidly. In my first week, I made about $60.00. By the end of the second week, I made over $1,250.00! In the third week, I received about $31,250.00. and in the following fourth week, I have over around $780,000.00 and it is still growing. Certainly worth $14, I have spent more than that on the lottery and other get rich program!!  After a week or two it all becomes automatic and you receive money without doing anything….. it works. Along the way I was caution still skeptical thinking that whether this is a scam or a miracle even after during undertaken the whole procedure! But since I had nothing to loose and had to pay nothing more then $14 to get started. Than I decided to give it a try…. and today I am happy, and best of all…. I am doing NOTHING all Day!!! and money is pouring in at a VERY fast rate! Luck has nothing to do in becoming a millionaire, it’s all in your state of mind… the internet is a gold mine at the moment in harvesting the opportunity to become a millionaire.
Unlike so many website with catchy slogan that we see in the internet which offers the public a change to discover a MONEY MAKING schemes, we are require to make a certain amount of payment in order just to evaluate the offering of those program and its potential for you to make money in reality. Nothing much are being review to the public without first making payment. Far remote from those proposal, I?m distributing this MONEY MAKING CONCEPT to you at no cost incurred cause the program had to be shared in order to work. You will soon discover everything that you need to know in order to make it work for you, (from start to end). There is also some companies out there offering to put you in your own business, but I?m so sure you will make a SERIOUS INCOME with what I?m going to tell you that I?m willing to rollup my sleeves and help you begin RIGHT NOW! And after you have obtain the idea, you have the choice to decide whether or not to give it a short. If you don?t like it just step away. Most importantly no pressure. IF YOU FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS EXACTLY, YOU WILL START MAKING MONEY MORE THAN YOU THOUGHT POSSIBLE BY DOING SOMETHING SO EASY! READ THIS ENTIRE ARTICLE VERY CARE-FULLY !! Print it out or download it. Follow the directions, and see your money grow! It is easy. It is legal. Your investment is only $14.00 USD.

STEP 1 :-  Ok, the very first and most important thing you need to do is SAVE this page in your favorites so you can come back to it if you lose it.
STEP 2 :- If you?re not already a PayPal user, you need to go to the PayPal?s website. You?ll need to apply for a PERSONAL account. It is totally free to sign up! (Tip: Cut and paste the link and open it in a new window so you don?t lose this page) Click on the link to access PayPal: . In order to place the initial $14 into your account, you will have to verify your bank account with PayPal (which may take a few days). PayPal is 100% secure and is used by millions of people worldwide including commerce & retail industry groups that sell stuff on the net. When I came across this concept, I knew it would work because, as a member of PayPal, I had already experienced their efficiency and excellent standing. Once you have a PayPal account you can send and receive credit card payments to or from anyone, anywhere in the world. PayPal is owned by eBay and is the simplest method of making and receiving payments online that anyone has ever seen! Anyone with an email address can join for FREE! it’s very secure. Tell your friends about it!
STEP 3 :- It is an undeniable the law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive, ah just like Karma! Good deeds in return for good fortunes. This is what makes the program continue to work and the money that so many others have received will come your way. On your part, by assisting 7 people on the list become financially secure, you are actually supporting and maintaining the portal to be open which it hold the opportunity for you to become financially secure yourself. In time, it will be you turn to cash in. (Remember… what goes around comes around). So the first thing you do when you have your PayPal account is to send a $2 payment from your PayPal account to all of the following 7 email address, (see the email list below)
To do this successfully, follow these simple instruction below:-
1. Login to PayPal and click on the Send Money tab;
2. In the (Recipient?s Email) field, enter the FIRST email address of the list of 7 below;
3. In the (Amount) field, enter 2 (this is your $2 payment);
4. In the (Type) field, select Service (though it does?t really matter what you put here, this is for PayPal?s own records) 
5. In the (Note) field, enter “PLEASE ADD MY EMAIL ADDRESS IN THE LIST”. (Only for the first email address, be certain to add this note, as this is what keeps this program legal).
6. Finally, click on the Continue button to complete the payment. And now do it for the remaining email address on the list. When you have come to the last email address, be sure to put in the note “THANKS I’VE JOINED”. That?s it! When you send your $2 payment to the 7 email addresses in the list, do it with a great big smile on your face because as you now, so shall you congregate!

The following is a list of seven Email address. Send $2 to each of them using your PayPal account. Make sure that, in the (NOTE) field, you write “PLEASE ADD MY EMAIL ADDRESS IN THE LIST” to the first email address and “THANKS I’VE JOINED”. To the last email address (This keeps the program 100% legal. According to the code of Federal Regulations, Volume 16,Sections 255 and 436, which state a product or service must be exchanged for money received. So please do not forget it!). What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for THIS SERVICE. Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. SO I CHECKED IT OUT WITH SOME LAWYERS AND THEY CONFIRMED THAT THIS IS INDEED LEGAL.
Send $2 to each of the following Email address.
The email list:
1. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
2. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
3. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
4. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
5. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
6. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
7. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Here is an example:
After you have completed seven of the above transaction to all the email address, Delete the #1 email address off the list that you see above and move the other names up (#7 becomes #6, #6 becomes #5, #5 becomes #4, #4 becomes #3, #3 becomes #2, and #2 becomes #1) and add YOUR Email address(the one used on the PayPal account) as position #7 in the list, (bottom from the list.) just follow this example below:-

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  ? to be remove (the first email address original from the list)     
1. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) ? to be shifted up one level #2 become #1
2. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) ? to be shifted up one level #3 become #2
3. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  ? to be shifted up one level #4become #3
4. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  ? to be shifted up one level #5 become #4
5. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  ? to be shifted up one level #6become #5
6. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) ? to be shifted up one level #7become #6
7. you@ ? this is your email address (the one use on your PayPal account)

Try to keep this article as close to its original form as possible. The best way is, do not change anything, just erase the first email AFTER you send in the money to it account and move the remaining 6 email in it original order up 1 level. Lastly add your email address at number #7 position bottom from the email list. Now send this article to all of your friends. All you need is 200 email address, but remember, the more you post, the more money you generate as well as everyone else on the list! Why 200 and not 20 or 40 or etc.? 200 is because when you plan a tree you want to enjoy the fruit quickly. So when you plan the seed for 200 trees, you can expect to have lots of return to your benefits for the ONE TIME APPLICATION with VIRTUALLY ZERO INVESTMENT ! you put in. For example, send to personal contacts and reply to people who send this type of programs to you, as they are already working on the web. They know these programs works and they are already believers in the system! This is NOT considered SPAM if you are responding to other people?s offers, or sending to friends, family and contacts, or if you are using a legitimate emailing list. So, email your letters out today, and then prepare yourself for a super huge influx of cash within the next 30 days!!! Because it is so easy, the response is incredibly HIGH and extremely FAST Internet email FAST, and you will start seeing dramatic results in less than a week! JUST IN TIME FOR NEXT MONTHS BILLS! Keep a copy of this original article for yourself. Whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again.

Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works?:
When you send out your email, your email address will be at Number #7 on the list. That?s the best position it can be in at this stage if you want to make serious money. The response-rate for this program is much higher than any typical email marketing campaign for a number of reasons. As long as you send your email to people who are likely to be interested in this program, it is estimated that at least on average, you can expect a response from about 25%-30% of the people you send to. But let?s be extremely conservative here and assume that you receive an average response rate of only 12.5%. If you sent out your email to 200 different people, you can expect at least 25 of those people to do exactly what you did (12.5% of 200 = 25).By this time your email address will have moved up to position#6 in the list, and this list will now have reached around 5000 people (25 x 200). Out of those 5,000 people, you can expect at lease 625 of them to participate (12.5% of 5,000 = 625), so that?s a further 125,000 emails (625 x 200) being sent out and your email address will have rise up to Number#5 position in the list. Out of those 125,000 people, you can expect at least 15,625 of them to participate (12.5% of 125,000 = 15,625), so that?s a further 3,125,000 emails (15,625 x 200) being sent out with you now at the Number#4 position. Out of 3,125,000 people, you can expect at least 390,625 of them to respond (12.5% of 3,125,000 =390,625), so that?s 78,125,000 emails (390,625x 200) being sent out with at the Number#3 position. Out of 78,125,000 people, you can expect at least another 9,765,625 of them to respond (12.5% of 78,125,000 =9,765,625), so that?s 1,953,125,000 emails (9,765,625x 200) being sent out with at the Number#2 position. Out of those 1,953,125,000 people you can expect at around 244,140,625 of them to respond (12.5% of 1,953,125,000 =244,140,625), so that?s a further 48,828,125,000 email being send with YOUR ADDRESS at the Number#1 spot. Now, out of those 48,828,125,000 people, you will be expecting around 6,103,515,625 of them to respond (12.5% of 48,828,125,000 =6,103,515,625). And since you will now be at NUMBER #1 in the list, you will receive a crazy amount of around $12,000,000,000, just after 3 month. Now, this system is specifically develop & design to maximize its prospective to detain as many people as possible to take notice of the program. It is perfectly OK to aim high in the department of people you try to reach with just 200 people on your part and after that it is on auto cruise. If you fall short on the way to where you intended to be, at least you would not be far from it. So relax and put it on auto pilot! Whenever your name starts to hit the Number 7 position within the next few days, it will be YOUR turn to collect the money. Over the course of 90 days, this money will be sent to you by a few thousand people just like yourself who are willing to invest an hour and some pocket money to receive more cash than you ever imagine to earn in a life time! The first payments will arrive within a few days, and they will continue at the rate of about 100 to 10,000 payments or more per day at least for about 90 days. After that time, the volume of payments begins to taper off as your email address vacates the Number 1 position. That?s all you need to do! There will be around $700 ,000 in $2.00 USD payments waiting for you in your PayPal account within the next few weeks. $700 ,000 or more for just 60 minutes of work! This is real money that you can spend on anything you wish! Just deposit it to your own bank account or spend it directly from your PayPal account!!! It?s just that easy!!! I think it?s WORTH IT, don?t you? Remember, the 12.5% example above is assuming that 175 out of 200 people you send your email to will do absolutely nothing except delete your email.
After 6 month when your name is no longer on the list, you just take this original article and email list and send out another $14 to the email address on the list, putting your name at number#7 again. And start mailing again to the same 200 person which you send early on. When there is any positive result, it will work better the second time. You also can send it to new people if you wish too. Bottom line is, the more the better. The thing to remember is that thousands of people all over the world are joining the Internet and reading these articles everyday? JUST AS YOU are now!! So, can you afford $14 and see if it really works? People have said, what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there?s more than a few billion internet user and ten of thousands of new users who are joining the internet everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates around 20,000 to 50,000 new users joining everyday.

PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions given in this article. People have tried to put their friends/relatives names on all seven thinking they could get all the money. But it does not work this way. Believe us, we all have tried to be greedy and then nothing happened. Cause the program run on three major straightforward factor :
#1.  The Program had to be shared and obtain cooperation from mass majority of mainstream
contributor in line to accelerate furthermore multiplied and generate fast results.
#2.  Assist those people on the list to reach their goal, which is so essential to the life blood of the entire healthy development of this program. It have to start from people, just like you
and me as millions others did, It can be explain into simple terms ?Money don?t grow out of thin air?, the green had to come from somewhere to start from. And as now it has started, so do give it an honest effort, you will not be disappointed!
#3.  Annoyance like changing the email list will just not make it work. Disturbance to the list
will cost major uneven distributions of resources to the relevant participants (less than what
was promised for their effort). Once you have intercept the series of sequence, certainly a
chain reaction most defiantly will cost an upset to the result for everyone including you in the
long run in the case of unfair sportsmanship. To a critical point most will loose confident and
Quit soon! Subsequently, Interruption to the list will also bring major disappointment to the
potential increment rate of people it can reached. Hence failing to reach its full potential to
amplify and increase the volume of people that could potentially be interested in the program.
What you want to do is assemble & recruits, combined forces ,branch out, do it and put it into auto pilot and forget about it. As for your relative if they are any interested in the program, you should invite them to go through proper channel and engage in the program. Don?t be fool that you can be cheated by nuisance that try as PayPal allow only one account per person at any given time. Paypal will catch on, plus you will not see the money
from others posting ahead of you… will be cheating your way out of it. You MUST also keep in mind that sneaking your name higher up on the list will NOT produce the results you think, you will simply reach the person you send mail to just to be immediately remove out of circulation. Most important you only assist the people in the list to remain longer in the list, or it only cheats the other people who have put in the effort and have earned the right to be there. It can go either ways. Translate that into Simple English that means millions of dollar lost just by adjusting the list. It will most certainly be short term return of revenue for those annoyance like this, along with committing suicide for does individual who cheat and murdering the hope of other to achieve their goal in life. So please play by the rules and the serious money will come to you! Those are the main reasons that throw this program out of the entire circulation on a larger scale faster then any other explanations. Those are the fine line between genius and stupidity, rich or poor. This program is successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. So do not attempt to change their sequence on the list, in any way other than what is instructed in the article or you will loose out on majority of your profits. Once you understand the way this works, you will also see how it does not work if you change it. By now you are probably skeptical of this, especially with all the different programs out there on the Web, but if you don?t try this you will never know. Anyway, what are the odds of that happening when there?s more than a few good billion internet user among some huge amounts of Internet traffic and ten of thousands of new users who are joining the internet everyday and are willing to bet on it?
Look at it this way, if you are of integrity and honesty, the program will continue to work and the money that so many others have received will come your way. Note: You may want to retain every email address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. However as mention above, it?s a collaboration of teamwork effort starting from million others just like you to get started and maintaining it as long as everyone is enjoying the mutual benefit. In the mean time when you are doing this, if you do happen to receive an email just like this, do give you best effort to other and support their dreams just like millions that did for you. 

OK. Lets make it super excessively intense extreme situation here. This is as bad as it can be. What if you send 200 email, only 1% response to your mail? That?s 2 person out of 200 ,and assuming that the rest of those people get the same response rate of 1% out of every 200 mail their send. In this case, by the time you reach Number#1 position, You?ll still have made $508.00 for the initial $14 of investment that you have put in. (Note: Reason why you should send as mush email as possible starting with at less 200 email.) Anyway that is for extreme measure only. The chances of that happening is 1 in a few billion. What are the possibility you will get caught up in that situation when there is a tremendous volume of internet user and growing everyday? Don?t worried! Even in the most intense cases, lets say only 0.5% out of 200 people response, by the time you reach number #1 sport, you will still get back the initial $14 buck you have put in at the first place and that is a guaranteed! Some people may said what if, it really happen to me? The only real advise and solution that I can offer you is, try sending it again only this time to more people and try sending it to different people for better result. Now! No matter what people said about the program, some said it is a scam, rip-off, con-tricks, cheat or whatever their may call it. To me it?s betting against the odds, and In this case, beating it! Since I know what are my chances of coming on top. With all the potential fact discuss in this column, the bottom line is it really work. It is without a doubt, as described to me, simply an archaic means of sharing and wealth distribution…
This type of program has inherited a lot of awful reputation no thanks to individual that fail to obey the law. It don?t have to be this way. That means NO SPAMING!
Here are a few reasons a person might not response to your email:
? You are not doing it properly according to the articles directions, and requirement.
? Some may alter the intent and procedures of the article. Keeping the article as
original as possible and if you alter it, it will just NOT work!!!
? You Did not send enough email out to be notice by people that might be interested.
? Most of the email address that you have send, are no longer in use by the individual.
Most of the people you send this email to are no interested due to the following reason:-
o Some people think they can never make a lot of money with anything this simple.
o Some are afraid they will feel ridiculed for trying
o Some dream of large sums of money, but do nothing to actually achieve it.
o Some are just plain lazy.
o Some are afraid of losing their investment.
They think this program is designed to beat them out of a few dollars. The system works if you will just try it. But you must follow the simple instructions exactly, and in less than 1 months, you will receive $700,000 GUARANTEED! Keep what you are doing to yourself for awhile. Many will tell you it won`t work and will try to talk you out of your dreams. Let them know of your success after it works.

Here it?s, I have filled you with all the facts and potential possibility about this program and now it?s up to you. After you have finish reading this article with full understanding of the concept,  and subsequently your initial thought lead you to consider it really make good sense to you through great confidence in the system along with huge potential of this working out, just imagine how many people in the net like you which is reading this and are willing to give it a go. By just doing simple step by step main procedure like:-
? Having a valid PayPal account,
? transfer $2USD fund to 7 email address in the list thought PayPal,
? next edit the sequence arrangement of email list according to instructions give,
? finally use the same article with the edited email list and send email to 200 different people, plus sit and watch your PayPal account grow!
How simple can it get! Remember no participant should be the looser in the concept. Actually every new comer as well as existing participant in this system is supporting someone at a different stage, theoretically if everyone plays fair everyone win in due time. In a way this translate into new comer with existing contributor supporting the idea of making others financially secure and in return it hold the opportunity of being secure themselves. There is only WINNER and soon to be WINNER in progress. As I have said it once and will repeat it again ??Luck has nothing to do in becoming a millionaire, it’s all in your state of mind… the internet is a gold mine in harvesting the opportunity to become a millionaire.?? So when you assist 7 person to become financially secure, you are actually supporting and maintaining the gateway to be open which it contain the one easy chance for you to become financially secure yourself. According to Professors Richard McKenzie, of the University of California, Irvine, and Dwight Lee, University of Geogia, to be come a millionaire is almost a cakewalk. In their Futurist article (August/September, 1998) article “How almost Anyone Can Become a Millionaire,” McKenzie and Lee say, “Most people in America got rich because they choose to do so, and they pursued a path to wealth that is wide open to most of the rest of us.” In other words, becoming rich is a matter of choice. Of cause there is the hard way to become rich, then there is the easier way which is almost out of reach for majority of us due some reason such as huge capital is needed as investment, or like most risk-free opportunities for quick profit will quickly be exploited by people. So and finally, there is in your face and onto your lap and It works! Best of all, it will continue to make money time after time!
Even now as I write this, I find it strange to come to terms with the fact that, like most people, I have worked hard and struggled all my life just to get by and then something ridiculously simple drops into my lap and immediately turns my life around completely. When I think back to all the similar email I had previously deleted, it makes me tremble, because now I know just how close I came to missing out completely.
If you decide not to take advantage of this life-changing opportunity, I would like you to know that I sincerely respect your decision and I understand that you will have your reasons. At least I have manage to entertain you in someway so far. It had to be appealing and tempting or at least entertaining for you to read this far. At least it serve as a good reading material. I therefore wish you the very best of luck for the future. I am able to say this with absolute sincerity because, as you will see, if you decide to work this plan, I will not receive any financial compensation from you whatsoever. After all, I am sharing this system with you for free. However, keep in mind life is short. Nobody has ever said that you can?t have the financial freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. But you must first pay the price. The price here is action; it?s as simple as that!
Remember:- YOU’LL NEVER MAKE ENOUGH MONEY WORKING FOR A LIVING, AT LEAST NOT MOST OF US. I honestly do not know of other ways that could get better than this. For those who decided to give it a short, I sincerely hope this could start a new revolution in your life and start living the life you desirer. When your money begins to come in, always, always give the 10% (or more) of your first total profits to charity with good spirit and share a good fortune around! Remember, play FAIRLY with HONESTLY. GOD BLESS YOU!

PS. Don?t party too hard too often and live a healthy life. May god bless you and your family with the wealth you have just discover from this concept. Lastly keep it real! 
Please read the following column on additional LEGAL INFO AND HISTORY to find out more facts about this concept.
Like so many people that have not heard about this concept before. You will be soon.
This program is by no means new. It has been inexistence in many forms for almost 2 decade now since the concept has been introduce to the public. But in the early days, it required a lot more time and effort (mailing to a few hundred people), as well as an outlay of a few hundred dollars, still it was profitable for many. However, thanks to PayPal and the Internet, it now cost virtually nothing. And what?s more, the entire process is faster, easy and more lucrative than it has ever been. this is the fastest and easiest way to produce serious money on-line that anyone have ever seen so far in the history of the Internet! A recent survey by Nielsen/Netratings says that “The Internet population is rapidly approaching ‘‘Four and half Billion’ People worldwide and it?s still growing at the rate of 50,000-20,000 everyday!” When the popularity of the Internet exploded in the mid-1990s, so does the popularity of the concept. Millions of copies were forwarded to Internet users by thousands of different persons.
Economic theory states that this risk-free opportunities for profit will work well and continue remains successful for the contributors, if majority of the participant obey the law and play by the rules. The honesty and integrity of the participants is what keep the program going. Individuals which cheat will Interrupt the balance of the cycles progress. If the sequence is disturbed to a critical stage it will most certainly break off. Or the profit margin will be reduces over time and taper down to a limited amount is most likely to be expected. Ever so popular it must have some superior good quality in it, in order for it to work so well after long period in existent. A recent survey was conducted and It was investigated whether or not the program was illegal. Their findings proved once and for all that there are “absolutely NO laws prohibiting the participation in the program and if people can follow the simple instructions, they are bound to make some mega bucks. It?s perfectly legal. Where it was forwarded over e-mail although it wasn’t until spamming became a major problem in 1994. Spamming is totally illegal, It don?t have to be a violation of the laws if everyone play by the rules and obey the laws.
NOTE:- If you abide by the rules, it is NOT considered a SPAM!, if you perform your activities within the regulations of the legal system. Otherwise it’s illegal!
If you have any questions of the legality of this program,
contact the Office of Associate Director for Marketing
Practices, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer
Protection, Washington, D.C.
