Traveling with a memory card
Posted: 28 December 2004 05:18 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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I have a question ya’ll…Someone was telling me when you fly and I know this is true with film (protective pouch..blah blah..I know) ...but you need to be extra careful with your memory cards in your digital camera when they go through the X-ray machines…is this true? I’ve never had an issue but I just want to get some feedback.

Posted: 28 December 2004 05:23 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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Mine went through the X-Ray machine just fine.  It was a compact flash card.  Nothing was damaged for me at all!

Posted: 28 December 2004 05:38 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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that’s what I thought too… but I wanted to make sure..cause I forgot to DL my card and I’d be sad if it ruined everything..just thought I’d ask..I’ve travelied before with it.. but I wanted to make sure it wasn’t dumb

Posted: 28 December 2004 05:55 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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Haha I’ve only done it once too so I might have just gotten lucky though.

Posted: 28 December 2004 06:18 AM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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well.. let’s hope it strikes again…lol..nah.. I’m sure it’ll be fine..I’m not too worried..I couldn’t find anything online saying it would effect it

Posted: 28 December 2004 06:19 AM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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Film is a different story.  I’ve had many rolls ruined from that but film is pretty much out now.  It’s all digital for me!

Posted: 28 December 2004 06:22 AM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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awww… old school is the best… but for this trip.. only the digital. I love the whole process of developing..sooo much fun

Posted: 28 December 2004 06:24 AM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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[quote author=“hmbldtgrl”]awww… old school is the best… but for this trip.. only the digital. I love the whole process of developing..sooo much fun

Yeah if you develop your own pictures it’d awesome!  If you just go to a store it’s a waste of money.  I was thinking about putting a dark room in my house when I built it, but I figured I wouldn’t use it too much.

Posted: 28 December 2004 06:38 AM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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I use my friend’s..I want my own.. of course..I’d always be in…me all alone in the dark..sounds fun. Ya, I agree..I never go and get mine done at the store anymore…I do it all myself…it’s the way to go if you know what you are is fun for goofing around and all you gotta do is press print.. soooo simple..why does anyone even bother going to the store

Posted: 28 December 2004 07:56 AM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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I’ve never heard of any issues with taking memory cards through airport scanners—of course you could always keep it on your person at all times.



Posted: 28 December 2004 08:06 AM   [ # 10 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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I travel a lot with my D-cam and Memory cards. I don’t have any problem.

Posted: 28 December 2004 05:39 PM   [ # 11 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 11 ]  
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I’ve gone through with SD and Memory Sticks, no issues.
