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Top 10 Posters Check This Out lol…
Posted: 15 December 2004 07:03 PM   [ # 126 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 126 ]  
Might As Well Be A Mod
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i thought you had a job?

Posted: 15 December 2004 07:06 PM   [ # 127 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 127 ]  
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I did during the summer. I’m at school now, where I don’t really have time to work.

Posted: 15 December 2004 07:27 PM   [ # 128 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 128 ]  
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That might happen to me next semester…. I’m trying to fix my schedule for next semester but it’s not working out….  :(

Posted: 16 December 2004 03:22 AM   [ # 129 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 129 ]  
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I’ve never been able to work during the school year… my school is just too busy all the time. Some kids do work-study, but those are cushy on-campus jobs like “sit there and study for money” or “watch that door while you do your homework”

Posted: 16 December 2004 05:25 AM   [ # 130 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 130 ]  
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[quote author=“Tighr”]I’ve never been able to work during the school year… my school is just too busy all the time. Some kids do work-study, but those are cushy on-campus jobs like “sit there and study for money” or “watch that door while you do your homework”

Yeah, they don’t pay much. but hey, its better than nothing.

Posted: 16 December 2004 06:03 AM   [ # 131 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 131 ]  
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They actually pay pretty well here, but you don’t do anything. I wish I could get one of them. The kids get like 8 bucks an hour to do absolutely nothing. But the school has a budget for it, so everyone gets paid. Some kids even get paid for hours they didn’t work, just so there boss can get rid of the budget.

Posted: 16 December 2004 07:50 AM   [ # 132 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 132 ]  
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I used to work in the computer department when I was in school. It paid crap.. I think I got a .25 raise after a year.. but hell it was cash and a really easy cushy job. All I had to do was sit there and monitor the computers and make sure no one was downloading porn.. which.. I actually never really paid attention to..I’d just made sure to clean up at the end of the night.. print a huge 250 page document and leave one happy camper most nights. So simple but the pay was crap no doubt.

Posted: 16 December 2004 10:03 AM   [ # 133 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 133 ]  
Might As Well Be A Mod
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[quote author=“Tighr”]I did during the summer. I’m at school now, where I don’t really have time to work.

yeah im probably gonna have to drop it for a bit since of school.

Posted: 16 December 2004 10:41 AM   [ # 134 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 134 ]  
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damn, there is a tie between munky & antman at this very second.. crazy

Posted: 16 December 2004 10:47 AM   [ # 135 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 135 ]  
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This is officially my first post as a member of the top 10 again!!! Its been many moons, but I am finally back in top ten!!!

Posted: 16 December 2004 10:48 AM   [ # 136 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 136 ]  
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good job. now don’t start slippin’

Posted: 16 December 2004 10:49 AM   [ # 137 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 137 ]  
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I’m workin hard, I won’t slip. Gotta keep my ranking! Unfortunately, it will be a while before I move up any higher than 10.

Posted: 16 December 2004 10:57 AM   [ # 138 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 138 ]  
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lol.. I don’t think that will ever happen. sorry to tell you

Posted: 16 December 2004 10:59 AM   [ # 139 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 139 ]  
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Well I’m about 50 away from getting to 9, and less than 100 before 8. Next up is number 7, which is you!

Posted: 16 December 2004 11:03 AM   [ # 140 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 140 ]  
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haha.. you need me to get you there and if I post you’ll never get there…hahaha

and btw… I just got in the #5 spot so I guess you’ll be working to pass me from there.. 😉

Posted: 16 December 2004 12:18 PM   [ # 141 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 141 ]  
Might As Well Be A Mod
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haha im #1 😊 im sure you all know that lmao

Posted: 16 December 2004 12:19 PM   [ # 142 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 142 ]  
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[quote author=“gohan_bcc1”]haha im #1 😊 im sure you all know that lmao

ummm..ya.. I think we all do..but tighr has goals..he plans on being #1.. better watch out..lol

Posted: 16 December 2004 12:29 PM   [ # 143 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 143 ]  
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unless gohan goes into hibernation for a yr or 2 no one can catch up to him

Posted: 16 December 2004 12:35 PM   [ # 144 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 144 ]  
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Very true, but I can still post. I’m just happy to be in the top 10.

Posted: 16 December 2004 12:42 PM   [ # 145 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 145 ]  
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I just checked. There is a 500 post difference between number 7 and number 6… thats a lot. It’ll be difficult to overcome that.

Posted: 16 December 2004 12:44 PM   [ # 146 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 146 ]  
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double posting I see

Posted: 16 December 2004 01:26 PM   [ # 147 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 147 ]  
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Yeah, oops. My bad. I’d fix it but you already replied, now I can’t delete the dp.

Posted: 16 December 2004 06:59 PM   [ # 148 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 148 ]  
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[quote author=“Tighr”]This is officially my first post as a member of the top 10 again!!! Its been many moons, but I am finally back in top ten!!!

Congrats. I don’t think you’ll have many people to worry about ... well there is Woot.Woot. though .... better watch out for him.

Posted: 17 December 2004 01:49 AM   [ # 149 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 149 ]  
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I can take care of woot woot. I just have to keep in place, and keep posting! 500 more posts and I’ll be moving up the list.

Posted: 17 December 2004 03:31 AM   [ # 150 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 150 ]  
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Well I still allot of posting to do just to get to top 10 ... but I’ll get there eventually…especially if I keep replying to all your posts ...  😛

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