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Blacks should get reparations.
Posted: 27 December 2004 09:15 AM   [ # 26 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 26 ]  
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How can you NOT disagree with it?

(for the record, I’m part hispanic. Yet, I think stupid arguments like this only further racism by bringing it to the forefront. We wont move forward as a nation until people stop looking at the color of your skin.)

Posted: 27 December 2004 12:48 PM   [ # 27 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 27 ]  
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[quote author=“AndruGearLive”]Giving anyone reparations for anything their great, great grandparents MIGHT have went through makes no sense.

I agree 100% with this.  If [THEORETICALLY!] my great great grandparents had slaves, why should I be finacially responsible for that?  I think it’s complete lunacy asking for money for suffering that happened hundreds of years ago.

I am in no way racist so that hasn’t altered my decision, but every race has gone through pain & suffering at some point in history—Thats a fact…




Posted: 27 December 2004 12:53 PM   [ # 28 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 28 ]  
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Not just races…

gays, overweight people, disfigured, mentally challenged, Jews, Christians, Muslims…



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Posted: 27 December 2004 01:32 PM   [ # 29 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 29 ]  
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[quote author=“AndruGearLive”]Giving anyone reparations for anything their great, great grandparents MIGHT have went through makes no sense.

However, it’s *apparently* affected generations today because they’re still in the slums of America. I disagree with it though. Everyone has a chance here in America. It’s the land of opportunity, for goodness sake. I’ve seen first generation Americans rise to such stature personally, financially, socially, etc. I know families that have generations upon generations of Americans, and some of them *still* haven’t risen out of the rut. It’s not that they’re being “held back” by racism—it’s that they’re being lazy about taking advantage of those opportunities. Reparations? African-Americans/blacks/whatever you’d like to call them have been fully emancipated for decades now. Maybe they deserved reparations back then, but they most certainly do not deserve them now, as they are equal members of society now. Favouritism of any race in this nation shouldn’t be tolerated—be the race black, white, Latino, Asian, etc.

Now, as far as racism *today*, well, America is moving slowly on up the cultural ladder to reach the same kind of cultural acceptance that most other nations in the world already have. I am a minority in this nation, and I have to say that I have *never* experienced racism in my life. If people are still experiencing such ignorant and terrible lashes upon their heritage, they need only to forget it and take advantage of what other opportunities there are. No one else in America is yelling out racial slurs—only those bigoted honky-tonks in rural America. Why should the rest of America have to “pay reparations?”

Posted: 27 December 2004 03:42 PM   [ # 30 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 30 ]  
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Blacks shouldn’t get anything.

And if you’re thinking about TAXPAYERS paying it, that would be even more complete ########. My parents are immigrants from Yugoslavia and their ancestors weren’t slave owners, and had no part in that part in American History.

So, I call no on this one.

Posted: 26 January 2005 07:04 PM   [ # 31 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 31 ]  
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White slave owners “bred” their slaves to be stronger, did not allow them to learn to read or write, and conditioned them to be less than human.  The repercussions of slavery are still strongly being felt today, because of slavery, whites will continue to make more than blacks.  The day that changes, I’m sure none of would be alive to see :roll:  The lives of African Americans today are a direct result of slavery.  Are blacks just not trying to be educated, are they relying on their physical strength soely to succeed in America?  Stephen Jackson of the Pacers said “Basketball feeds my kids, it’s the only thing God blessed me with.” (not word for word).  I don’t know how to solve the issue of reparations, but IMO, it’s obvious the African American still experiences the effects of slavery to this day, in this society.

Posted: 27 January 2005 04:27 AM   [ # 32 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 32 ]  
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[quote author=“LockedupKOBE”]as a black man.. i say no all races should get money!(cept for asians)

I think all blacks shouldnt get anything because they are so damn racist towards asians. :roll:

Posted: 27 January 2005 09:51 AM   [ # 33 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 33 ]  
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[quote author=“ramza34”]The lives of African Americans today are a direct result of slavery.

Stephen Jackson of the Pacers said “Basketball feeds my kids, it’s the only thing God blessed me with.” (not word for word).  I don’t know how to solve the issue of reparations, but IMO, it’s obvious the African American still experiences the effects of slavery to this day, in this society.

What?! I know PLENTY of successful African Americans that were *not* affected by slavery, even in a direct sense.

As far as Stephen Jackson goes, “God” did not simply bless him with basketball. Everyone is made equal—I have as much opportunity to be an excellent basketball player as he does. Similarly, he has as much opportunity to be MORE than a basketball player than anyone else does. Forgive the language, but that’s bullsh*t. Stephen Jackson has many more talents than just basketball.

Posted: 30 April 2005 10:28 AM   [ # 34 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 34 ]  
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[quote author=“jack3”]And also what about the Jappanes(?) during the war we put them in to camps here in the U.S.

the japanese who were put into internment camps were given 20000 in reparations. the reason they were given money was due to the fact that those who actually suffered were still alive when the united states realized the error of its ways. if ex-slaves were still alive today i gurantee you they would be given monetary contributions for the suffereing they directly endured.

Posted: 30 April 2005 07:14 PM   [ # 35 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 35 ]  
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Giving them (everyone who has been faced with any type of racism/slavery/hate crime/etc) money wont solve anything. What would htey want? a hundred thousand each, million, 100 million?  Yeah…money solves everything…solves the “principle”...i dont think so.

This issue can never be solved, will never be solved. Plain and simple, #### happens…it happens to everyone. The Jews should get reparations for the Holocaust? So should the catholics, russians, pols, and everyone else related to someone who died….blacks in america? slaves, yeah…that is an embarrasment of american history…what about the whites who fell victim to them today? should they get reparations?  The fact is that all americans want to be americans…get something for nothing and thats it! Thats the american dream. If I were to say my great great great great grandfather was a slave, I should get reparations because of it? I dont think so. The ONLY people who should get reparations are the people who were DIRECTLY affected or their children…THATS ALL! Everyone else is just playing off the system and the debate. People need to grow up and learn not everythign is peachy perfect. The next debate…Sue Happy America. You can sue for ANYTHING today

Posted: 30 April 2005 07:17 PM   [ # 36 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 36 ]  
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I would like to hear what a person of African-American heritage has to say about this.

Posted: 30 April 2005 07:41 PM   [ # 37 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 37 ]  
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[quote author=“Andreux”]I would like to hear what a person of African-American heritage has to say about this.

My post is meant to go across all races not just African-Americans. All races have been abused in some way or another, which is why I used the Holocaust as an example. The thing is that we are most fimilar with the African-American debate. What about everyone else who is fallen victim? What about women and not being “equal” to males. Everyday women are victims, just look at the pay difference between males and females…what makes one race or one group different from another? Why “Discriminate” against the “Non-African-Americans?”

Posted: 03 May 2005 01:19 PM   [ # 38 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 38 ]  
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No way..more like taxes should be lowered…

The slaves thing..OVER 200 years ago…who cares now..there’s as much rascism coming from black people as their is white people as their is hispanics as their is asians..

The main effects from slavery is education..white people had a head start on reading and what not…

While in school..it was normally the black kids who were dressing “gangster” and trying to act all tough and getting 40’s and 50’s failing the class….It’s not because they are stupid it’s because they don’t care and yet the main excuse is slavery this and slavery that…trust me i’ve heard it many times..

Why should they get paid extra for something they yet to (as a whole) try and fix?


Posted: 03 May 2005 01:23 PM   [ # 39 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 39 ]  
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[quote author=“Andreux”]

As far as Stephen Jackson goes, “God” did not simply bless him with basketball. Everyone is made equal—I have as much opportunity to be an excellent basketball player as he does.

And as far as the everyone is created equal approach..thats not true in teh least..you have specific talents i suck at and I do certain things better than you can imagine..It’s the way life is its finding what your best at that’s most important to you succeeding and living a great happy life

Posted: 03 May 2005 05:11 PM   [ # 40 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 40 ]  
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[quote author=“HectorGearLive”]Not only for the work and suffering in years prior, but also for the continued racism today.

no they shouldnt

Posted: 04 May 2005 08:00 PM   [ # 41 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 41 ]  
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maybe you should give me reparations for the things i gone through in my 5 years in United States.. and i am more white then black..

Posted: 19 April 2006 11:41 AM   [ # 42 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 42 ]  
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No they shouldn’t get much, yeah the people who went through the torture should get reparations but since most of them are gone, let it go. Your telling me a new born African American baby gets something although that baby didn’t live through it? No. Every race goes through racism today not just African Americans. And damn they have a whole Month dedicated to them.

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