this guy put up a listing on ebay for imac g4 brand new and he said he has 3 to sell for only 750 each. ?im like wtf so i bid but ebay emailed me saying they canceled the listing because they caught him as a scammer.
so i decided to have some fun ?
look at this conversation i had with him using an AIM sn i usually never use:
marketwizkid7: hi im IMing you about the imac on ebay
Axivinte: hi
marketwizkid7: how long has it been used?
Axivinte: they are brand new with 1 year of warranty
marketwizkid7: wow
marketwizkid7: it says you can buy it for 750 but there is now buy it now option
Axivinte: If you will agree with my payment metoth and you will wire the money in max 24 hours the price will be $699us,
Because now I am in Europe ,
Axivinte: The shipping will be made trough UPS ?
express delivery and because I will pay for the shippment you will pay ?
the fees for the money transfer
Axivinte: The payment which I accept is Western ?
Union money transfer because is the fastest way to conclude a payment,
So if you agree with my terms please let me know
marketwizkid7: ok but it has to be through ebay
marketwizkid7: you have to have a buy it now option
Axivinte: you can buy it if you want
marketwizkid7: but there is no ‘buy it now” button in the listing
Axivinte: do you want to buy 1 unit or not?
marketwizkid7: yes but how can i buy it if theres no buy it now option…
Axivinte: All you have to do is fine a western union office and arrange the money order for 750 USD.i will start the shipping procedure as soon as payment is confirmed
marketwizkid7: why are you listing it on ebay if you want to sell it off ebay
marketwizkid7: sry about that
marketwizkid7: computer problems
marketwizkid7: anyway, do i have any guaruntee that you are going to send me the imac if i wire u the money
marketwizkid7: hello…
Axivinte: i’m Excellent seller, good in communications and easy to work with me ...
Axivinte: I am not a scam artist, and the last thing I want to do is rob you.
marketwizkid7: well i dont know any of that yet
Axivinte: I am a very honest man honest in every aspect of my life and like to believe that we have a mutual trust.look i live by the rules to me is nothing in life it the trust that it count ,
marketwizkid7: no offense but it kinda sounds like a scam thing to me
Axivinte: If you try to scam somebody in life, later on life will scam you back.
marketwizkid7: wtf
marketwizkid7: whats with the poetry
Axivinte: its not poetry it is my belives
marketwizkid7: u sure can type pretty fast
Axivinte: i think that anybody that had a computer for a while can do that
marketwizkid7: no i mean unnatrually fast
marketwizkid7: wtf is going on here
Axivinte: why is that?
marketwizkid7: are you going to sell me it through ebay or not
Axivinte: ok ,If you wire the money asap i willclose the auction with you being the highest bidder.
marketwizkid7: i dont want to do that ?
marketwizkid7: sell me the damn thing on ebay ?
Axivinte: I told you all you need to do is place a bid and i will close the auction through ebay
Axivinte: you will be the highest bidder
marketwizkid7: but i aint wiring you a penny
marketwizkid7: normal payment methods
Axivinte: right now westernunion is my only option so if you dont agree
Axivinte: I cant sell it to you
marketwizkid7: no problem
marketwizkid7: i will wire you all my money
Axivinte: so do you agree with western union or not?
marketwizkid7: i said i will wire you 750
marketwizkid7: hello?
marketwizkid7: are you there?
Axivinte: yes
marketwizkid7: so i am going to wire you 750
marketwizkid7: eh
marketwizkid7: how about 100 instead
Axivinte: how about we leave it
I see you dont trust me ?
Axivinte: so bye bye
marketwizkid7: wait
marketwizkid7: y would u think i dont trust you?
Axivinte: i am sorry but it is real late here and i dont have time to argue about who trusts who
Axivinte: so tell me now your decision
marketwizkid7: ill wire you 750
marketwizkid7: so where should i send it
Axivinte: what time is there?
marketwizkid7: what?
Axivinte: what time is there?
Axivinte: the clock?
marketwizkid7: are you asking me what time it is?
marketwizkid7: look at ur computer
marketwizkid7: it has a clock
Axivinte: i know that but my time is diferent than yours
over here is 3:09 AM
marketwizkid7: o its 8 09 pm
Axivinte: ok ?
so the only way you could do the wire transfer is by calling 1-800-CALL-CASH ?
Axivinte: can you do that?
marketwizkid7: ok
Axivinte: Here are my details for the money order:
ZIP ?: ? 6600
Axivinte: I would like to ask you to tell to the western union peoples that you are sending money to a relative because if you tell them that you are paying for an auction i will have to pay an extra fee here.If you tell them that you are sending the money to a relative the fee you will pay will be lower i think.
marketwizkid7: you have very interesting tactics
Axivinte: meaning
marketwizkid7: this is the fbi and i know you are a scammer
marketwizkid7: now i have a lot of information about you
marketwizkid7: thank you for letting me in
marketwizkid7: there will be certain investigations going underway despite your alledged location
marketwizkid7: is there anything you would like to say?
Axivinte: yes
wait till monday to do it paypal so you could see that i am real
marketwizkid7: that just isnt going to cut it
marketwizkid7: so how exactly can you afford to sell these imacs at such a low price?
marketwizkid7: if you would like to end this conversation, i can understand why.
marketwizkid7: you are in a lot of trouble
?Axivinte? signed off at 8:16:49 PM.