CyberCar: The Driverless Automobile
Posted: 30 November 2004 10:15 AM     [ Ignore ]  
Board Mentor
Total Posts:  3522
Joined  2004-07-18

Story on the front page.

Posted: 30 November 2004 11:18 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Board Apprentice
Total Posts:  1795
Joined  2005-09-15

i had a great idea with a remote controlled big car. i would sit in a parking lot with the car parked, and sit in another car like 5 cars away. have it so whern i hit a button the alarm goes off and the car jolts back like a foot. and i would push the button when someone was parkingin front of it and watch their reactions. 5bucks say 75% would just back up and leave.

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