How much would a used GBA SP cost?
Posted: 23 November 2004 12:51 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Board Mentor
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Joined  2004-07-18

I know a new one is now $79.  :think:

Posted: 23 November 2004 06:21 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
You > Me
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They should really lower the price of GBA SP down to like $50-$60. $79’s too much for a portable with outdating graphics. $21 more and you can get a Gamecube I think!

Posted: 24 November 2004 04:45 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
In The Club
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[quote author=“HectorGearLive”]I know a new one is now $79.  :think:

I dont know how much a used one costs, but trust me, get a new GBA SP Retro. I have that, and I love it soooo much. I only have one SP game for it though : Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

Posted: 24 November 2004 07:03 PM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
Might As Well Be A Mod
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Probably 50-70$ Everything is so cheap now.
