Anyone in Philadelphia, PA Verizon to stop city WiFi access
Posted: 20 November 2004 06:18 PM     [ Ignore ]  
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Joined  2005-01-06

Earlier this fall, Philadelphia became the first major U.S. city to propose a plan to make Internet access cheaply available - or free! - to citizens, businesses, nonprofits and homes using “Wi-Fi” technology over our public airwaves. Today, Verizon and other powerful Internet companies are fast-tracking a bill in the Pennsylvania legislature that would torpedo this plan. It’d also sink any similar plans made by any other town across the state.

These powerful lobbies feel threatened because Philadelphia’s proposal means they won’t be able to keep charging high rates while providing lousy service. They don’t like cities taking their communication needs into their own hands. A last-minute lobbying blitz on the final day of the legislative session has worked, and House Bill 30 will hit Gov. Ed Rendell’s desk at any time.

We cannot allow powerful lobbies to write their monopolies into law. Call Governor Rendell right now at (717) 787-2500 and say:

“Please say no to House Bill 30. We cannot let powerful corporate lobbies write their monopolies into law. Initiatives like Philadelphia’s wireless plan are incredibly important, because Internet access must be equally available to all citizens. Thank you for your time.”

This is incredibly urgent. House Bill 30 would make it illegal for any town in Pennsylvania that is being served poorly by big Internet providers to supply their own cheaper, better service. Under this bill, the cost to access the Internet will be kept high (no matter how awful the service may be), a luxury reserved only for those who can afford it.

Internet access is becoming something communities need to survive, not just a perk. Please make your call now, and then pass this on to everyone you know in Pennsylvania.

Josh Silver
Free Press

Read more at:


Posted: 21 November 2004 06:50 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Board Mentor
Total Posts:  3596
Joined  2004-12-22

man, i wish we could get free wifi around here….

i’m waiting for the fiber optic lines verizon is about to offer here in dallas. my friend who lives near keller, says they’re laying lines about a block away from him, so he should be able to get it soon. i hate him.

i think i’m going to lobby for free wifi in dallas.
