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Gear Live Holiday Gift & Giveaway Guide Thread!
Posted: 05 December 2005 09:31 PM   [ # 26 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 26 ]  
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1) I would like to win the Antec FANPAL!

2) The greatest holiday gift I have ever recieved is as follows. I was 12 years old (I’m Jewish) and it was the 4th night of Hanukkah. I lit the menorah and was ready to get my present. I told my mom I’d like the “big” present this night, since I get one “big” present a year and all the rest of the presents are small. It was two boxes, I had no clue what it could be. To my surprise, it was a Gateway PC, (One box was the PC, the other was the monitor) I was estatic! This was my first computer I ever recieved, and it was my “gateway” to computers and technology. I remember booting it up for the first time, wow, what an event. I still have the PC today, but it is very slow, but I have a lot of memories from it. I joined GearLive on it which was the first forum I ever was a part of. Now I use a HP laptop, Mac Mini, and Dell Dimension, but it was BY FAR the greatest present I have ever received. Thank you Mom and Dad! 😊

Posted: 05 December 2005 09:36 PM   [ # 27 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 27 ]  
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Well, I’m trying to win the SLEEPTRACKER Wake-Up Watch.  I remember when you first posted a story about this watch and I almost went out and purchased it myself…only the pricetag made me reconsider…

I don’t really have a standout gift in my mind as my parents were usually pretty cheap 😊  but I guess when I was 12 or so, I got a stero and was elated at the fact of having my own stero in my room.  In fact, I still have it today in my dorm.  haha

Posted: 05 December 2005 09:54 PM   [ # 28 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 28 ]  
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Gift: The Sleep Tracker Watch.
Why: Ever since I read the article I have always wanted it, I even showed my dad which started watching them on eBay, but hasn’t purchased one yet. But it sure would be waking up to my dad blowing the whistle or pounding on my door.

Best Christmas: Now this is a hard question to answer. The most memorable to me, which might sound lame but its the one I will never forget was given to me when I was about 10. It was a little Rubadubdub in the Tub book. It was cool just because instead of saying from Santa it said from dad, and at the time he worked so much I never really saw him, so it meant a lot. Don’t know why and it does sound silly but yeah.

The one with the biggest impact would be the computer about 5 years ago for my room, ever since them, I have always had a computer in my room, and that very computer is in my younger sisters room today… so it was the one that got me addicted to computers.



P.S. I like the new forum layout, I was here a LONG time ago, and always visited gear live daily, but not really the froums so often.

Posted: 05 December 2005 11:17 PM   [ # 29 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 29 ]  
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iammzac - 06 December 2005 01:31 AM

1) I would like to win the iPod with Video Support! (If it becomes a WIN IT! item)

2) The greatest holiday gift I have ever recieved is as follows. I was 12 years old (I’m Jewish) and it was the 4th night of Hanukkah. I lit the menorah and was ready to get my present. I told my mom I’d like the “big” present this night, since I get one “big” present a year and all the rest of the presents are small. It was two boxes, I had no clue what it could be. To my surprise, it was a Gateway PC, (One box was the PC, the other was the monitor) I was estatic! This was my first computer I ever recieved, and it was my “gateway” to computers and technology. I remember booting it up for the first time, wow, what an event. I still have the PC today, but it is very slow, but I have a lot of memories from it. I joined GearLive on it which was the first forum I ever was a part of. Now I use a HP laptop, Mac Mini, and Dell Dimension, but it was BY FAR the greatest present I have ever received. Thank you Mom and Dad! 😊

hey what a coincidence, im jewish too, and my first computer was a gateway, but it was for my barmitzvah. (age 13) pwnage.

Posted: 06 December 2005 02:25 AM   [ # 30 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 30 ]  
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I would LOVE to get the SCOTTeVEST Rodeo   because its the sickest lookin jacket out there, i would cover a puddle with my $400 Danier Jacket so it could cross :D

My best xmas present ever would have to be when my laptop broke and i didn’t tell my parents cuz i knew they would freak, and when they did find out they did freak.. and i told them i didn’t want anything for xmas because i felt bad from breaking my lappy, but they managed to get me a nice dell xps..

but that xps broke the first night when my brother went to get it for me :’( it was very sad, i didnt even get to test Half Life 2 on it.. no complete care either :S

Posted: 06 December 2005 04:34 PM   [ # 31 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 31 ]  
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1)I’d like to win the sleeptracker watch, that thing is amazing if it works as well as you say it does
2)One Christmas, my mom’s cousin teamed up with a few other relatives and bought me an xbox with games and controller. it was so awesome because my mom kept saying she would never let me even buy one myself, and on christmas i got it for free! it was great

Posted: 06 December 2005 07:21 PM   [ # 32 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 32 ]  
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Gift to WIN:  The Sleeptracker Watch.  I’ve been wanting one ever since that first article was posted, and it would save my sleep life.

Best Christmas Gifts:  Two stick out to me: #1 My first Gameboy - I couldn’t believe that we actually got it, and it came in a giant case that also looked like a gameboy that held games and cords.  You don’t see many cases nowadays that resemble the item they’re carrying.  Novel, I guess.  By the way, has anyone held one of these original units lately?  They’re GIGANTIC.  #2 My first CD-ROM drive - It seems almost otherworldly to think that I got so excited about a standard 2x CD-ROM drive, but it was a major breakthrough for our old 486.  The first game I played with it?  Kings Quest V.  Sweet.

Great Christmas Story not involving gifts: When I was 11, my brother and I hid our enormous 1991 video camera to catch my parents filling our stockings.  We wanted to show the tape to our younger sister and crush her belief in Santa.  Unfortunately, we didn’t secure the camera very well and we woke up Christmas morning to find that it had fallen and smashed to bits, with no video evidence at all.  It ended up being the most expensive Christmas yet, as my brother and I had to replace it.  Maybe it WAS Santa, not wanting to get caught.  Hmm…

So, because of my love for tech presents of old, my sleep problems, and a bum Christmas when I was 11, I gotta win that watch. 😊

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Posted: 09 December 2005 07:55 AM   [ # 33 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 33 ]  
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Cool givaway!

Anyway, If I could choose one gift from the list I would have to go with the SLEEPTRACKER Wake-Up Watch. Even if it was the cheapest thing up there it would be the most useful for me even if the others are cool too. I was blown away by it when Gear Live first introduced it to us and thought it was perfect for me since I have a pretty crappy “sleep life” lol. I am ALWAYS worn out and tired and part of it is my bad sleep habbits and I am assuming bad timing. If this watch is really as good as it looks then it could be a life saver. The only thing that held me back was the cost…which actually kind of goes for quite a few things that GL has reviewed and were very cool just way out of my price range (Vajas, SCOTTeVEST…).

As my greatest holiday gift, it would have to be the year I got a 12 tv all of my own. I had wanted one forever but was too young before that to have a tv in my room. The tv itself was cool but what really made it a great gift was my brother got a nintendo for his big gift that year…but didn’t have a tv to play it on besides the main livingroom tv that was always taken. Well I’m not sure if our parents planned it out or not but it turned out to be the best time playing nintendo along with my brother all durning xmas break from school. We usually didn’t get along but since we needed each other and sharing made both our gifts better it really turned out to be a great holiday gift for both of us…and I assume my parents too since we weren’t fighting with each other the whole time lol.


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Posted: 10 December 2005 07:05 PM   [ # 34 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 34 ]  
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1.) I’d like to win the Scott eVest Rodeo because it always seems like I’m carrying gadgets in my pockets to the point where the pockets are going to rip, or even worse, the gadgets are going to break!

2.) Best Christmas gift was my XBOX with Halo a few years back. I love that thing!

Posted: 12 December 2005 07:43 PM   [ # 35 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 35 ]  
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I would love to win the eVest Milan, as I could not afford it or convice anyone to buy it for me, but since that’s not available, I’d have to say the sleeptracker.  That absolutely rules, and would help my wife immensely as she works shifts all the time.

My best holiday ever was in 1997 when I got married to my darling wife on the 5th day of Christmas.  My best gift was married life.  It might sound cheesy, but it’s true.  Almost 8 years on, not a day goes by that I’m not glad I married her.


Posted: 14 December 2005 02:51 PM   [ # 36 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 36 ]  
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I would like to win the iVod DJ. I have a fourth generation ipod, and this would be an awesome accessory for it.

Although I’ve had a lot of great gifts over the years, my most memorable is probably my first TV (a 13” with a built in vcr). That was the first TV I ever had in my room, and I got a lot of enjoyment out of it.

Posted: 14 December 2005 09:35 PM   [ # 37 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 37 ]  
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I think I’ll go for the sleep tracker watch.

My best christmas was back in the day of the Nintendo 64. I had been wanting it for some time. I asked santa claus for it and you guessed it! Santa made a special delivery to my house and dropped off an N64 and one of the greatest games I have played to the current day: Super Mario 64. Of course a couple of days later I found Santa didn’t really exist but it was all good as long as I had my N64.

Posted: 15 December 2005 12:45 AM   [ # 38 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 38 ]  
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I’m gonna go with the SCOTTeVEST jacket - that thing just looks so slick

best holiday gift was about 10 years ago when my sibs and rents chipped in for an SNES 😊  the good old days

Posted: 16 December 2005 11:40 AM   [ # 39 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 39 ]  
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I would like to win the SleepTracker watch.  If it works that would be great.  Be worth it to see it works as advertised.  I need a new watch anyway.

Best holiday gift:  Probably a bicycle when I was about 12 or so.  I lived out in the country and a bicycle was the only way for a kid to get into town to see friends unless it was a school day and you rode the bus.  (either that or the ounce of sensimilla when I was in college—I went to town on that also).

Posted: 18 December 2005 02:39 AM   [ # 40 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 40 ]  
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I am a simple man and my favorite gift is the $12 Antec Fan Pal.

My favorite gift is the Xbox my wife gave me two years ago for Christmas.  It has seen better days and is now outdated by the 360, but it has had many good times.

Posted: 20 December 2005 02:09 PM   [ # 41 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 41 ]  
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I would like to win the Canary wifi hotspotter 😊

My favorite gift was back when I was a young lad (about 10 or 11 years old) my family spent the Christmas at my aunt and uncles house.  The previous summer I had visited another aunt in Seattle and she helped expose me to the computer game, Kings Quest V.  After that trip I became obsessed with the Kings Quest V game and begged her to get it for me.  Lo and behold, I was pleased to discover that for Christmas my aunt had bought me the Kings Quest collection pack, complete with games I - VI .
It was definitely an awesome Christmas.

Posted: 20 December 2005 03:36 PM   [ # 42 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 42 ]  
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I would like to win the Antec FANPAL. It looks absolutely gorgeous!

The greatest Christmas gift I’ve ever received came about seven or eight years ago. It was my first cordless phone—a 900 Mhz phone by Sony. It looked something like this, except it didn’t have a caller ID display. At that time, I wasn’t a huge tech guy (I’m still not, haha), and a cordless phone was something useful that I thought me and my parents would find very handy. Before that, we had to use phones that were in the kitchen or the living room, and it was often a hassle, especially if we wanted to have a private conversation with someone on the line. The cordless phone was a great gift, and made everyone’s life a little bit easier.

Posted: 20 December 2005 05:27 PM   [ # 43 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 43 ]  
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I’d like to win the Make My Day DVD.

The best holiday gift I’ve received is probably the high-end headphones and amplifier i got from my audiophile dad.  A pair of Grado SR60s and a Headroom Airhead amp, to be more precise.  They really made me appreciate high-quality music playing systems as opposed to a personal CD player.

Posted: 21 December 2005 03:57 PM   [ # 44 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 44 ]  
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I would like to win the SLEEPTRACKER Watch.  I am always sleeping through my alarm and if a watch can wake me up at the optimal time then that would be perfect.  With the alarm I am alwasy tired, but this watch would eliminate that.

The best gift I ever recieved would have to be a brand new snowboard.  MY mom got the new Ride Control board for me with boots and bindings as a early Christmas gift.

Posted: 23 December 2005 09:22 PM   [ # 45 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 45 ]  
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I’d love the CanaryWireless Digital Hotspotter or the Antec FanPal 😊

Posted: 23 December 2005 10:56 PM   [ # 46 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 46 ]  
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Gift: VAJA iPod case

:edit: Oh man cancel the want for the sleeptracker, I just got a new(used) 4th Generation (bought it from my friend for $50 cause he got a video one for hannukha) iPod today and now that the VAJA iPod CASE is on here I am totally wanting to get that, that way I can keep it looking as good as it does now the whole time. I like to keep it in my pocket but I have to slip it into that little black thing and that is just a pain.

The Best present I’ve ever received was probably my iPod which I got a couple of years ago from my parents, It held all of my music which was an amazing thing for me do have (Since I have over 6500 songs). Unfortunately it was stolen from me in school a couple months ago, but nonetheless it was awesome while I had it. Another candidate might be my guitar, but I bought that myself, anyways I don’t want to bore you any longer. Thanks.

Posted: 24 December 2005 04:08 AM   [ # 47 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 47 ]  
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I would really like the fanpal, my computer always heats up my room. Plugging a fan into the computer that is always on would keep me cool and simplify things.

My best and most memorable present I ever received was a car, it was really shocking and I still couldnt beleive it for about a week that it was actually mine. I jumped up and down like I won it on the price is right or something.

Posted: 24 December 2005 12:05 PM   [ # 48 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 48 ]  
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Im going for the ipod with video support!! and my best gift was probably CASH! lol.

Posted: 24 December 2005 05:29 PM   [ # 49 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 49 ]  
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I’d like to win the SCOTTeVEST Rodeo.  Between my cellphone, pda, camera, keys, cable testers, patch cables, memory sticks, etc. its impossible to keep all that crap organized when I’m in the field.  1 coat, 5000 pockets, what more could I ask for.
Best gift ever was probably my 16th birthday when the folks all chipped in a got me my first car!

Posted: 24 December 2005 07:27 PM   [ # 50 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 50 ]  
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They aren’t giving away and iPod…

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