New Board
Posted: 04 November 2004 08:28 AM     [ Ignore ]  
Know It All
Total Posts:  6381
Joined  2004-12-22

WHOA, what’s the deal with that new board or forum or whatever on the main page? The one entitled “Official Conga Lines” or something. Did someone hack into Gear Live? :( (It’s locked now, but it’s still strange!)

Posted: 04 November 2004 08:32 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Board Mentor
Total Posts:  3522
Joined  2004-07-18

Gear Live is changing with the times.  It’s become very messy on the regular free boards, with multiple congas and threads, so we’re streamlining all the “official” Gear Live-controlled congas to one place. 

We won’t be responsible for any others outside of that board, and it will be easier to manage now.  Still setting it up now.


Posted: 04 November 2004 08:49 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Know It All
Total Posts:  6381
Joined  2004-12-22

o0o0o0o… interesting… so Andru finally OK’ed the idea…? I remember some people were suggesting it to him

Posted: 04 November 2004 09:03 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
Board Mentor
Total Posts:  3522
Joined  2004-07-18

I thought of the idea myself actually.  No one suggested it to me, but the other mods did help to refine the idea.  It should work really well, and cut down on all the confusion.

Posted: 04 November 2004 09:17 AM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
In The Club
Total Posts:  372
Joined  2004-07-30

good idea i like it

Posted: 04 November 2004 09:34 AM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
Board Mentor
Total Posts:  2710
Joined  2004-09-29

Sweet! Thanks so much Hector, Andru and the rest of you guys. The conga’s were just getting tooo crazy.
