ya, there’s only one boardwalk. and a whole lotta park places, so you have a bunch of people who think they’re really close to winning. i know a few years ago, some mcdonalds employees (not actual fast food employees, corporate peeps) got in trouble cuz they smuggled some of the big prize pieces to their friends, and let them redeem the prizes…ya, they’re fired now, haha.
I dont even try for the big prizes cuz they’re sort of a lost cause. I play the online game, and win the little stuff, so far i have 50 free prints from snapfish which will come in handy, and some free one month passes to whatever sites they offer. i’ve been a lil lucky and won quite a few free food ones also, which I can’t complain about. i think i’ve got enough pieces for a total free meal with a few desserts to boot, haha. ITS TIME TO GET FAT!