At what point is it considered abortion?
Posted: 27 October 2004 09:53 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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i can agree that abortion is wrong on moral standpoints .. but do u think it should be government regulated?

Posted: 27 October 2004 09:53 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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I thought I read somewhere that different states have different timing for when an embryo/fetus can legally be aborted.  :think:

Posted: 27 October 2004 10:16 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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I belive law in most states say that an abortion must be performed within the first trimester (3 months).  But I’m not entirely sure.

Posted: 05 November 2004 01:11 PM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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Hmm, i would think an abortion is an abortion at any point…not sure though…

Posted: 05 November 2004 01:23 PM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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abortion sucks!!! thats the only thing i can say ....i know that it has save alot of us but think of the creature…hes not culpable…

Posted: 05 November 2004 01:24 PM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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[quote author=“Dark_Mex”]abortion sucks!!! thats the only thing i can say ....i know that it has save alot of us but think of the creature…hes not culpable…

Agreed….the child didn’t do anything…there’s always adoption.

Posted: 05 November 2004 07:53 PM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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Abortion is abortion is abortion.  Just different states have laws on when its legal.

Posted: 05 November 2004 08:03 PM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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Second trimester abortions are outlawed in most states.  However, this is not due to the baby, but due to the extreme physical harm this will do to the woman in question.

I personally would never get an abortion, but hey, what right do I have to tell a woman what to do with her body?  Better than backalley clothes hangers.

Posted: 05 November 2004 10:20 PM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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hehe, i love your avatar

Posted: 06 November 2004 06:51 PM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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no matter what a being dies, practically murder. only if girl was raped might it be somewhat ok

Posted: 06 November 2004 07:58 PM   [ # 10 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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[quote author=“socksgov”]no matter what a being dies, practically murder. only if girl was raped might it be somewhat ok

Depends on how you view it. An egg is not a chick until it’s hatched. A fetus isn’t a baby until it’s born. It’s not really a being yet.

Posted: 07 November 2004 06:36 AM   [ # 11 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 11 ]  
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[quote author=“socksgov”]no matter what a being dies, practically murder. only if girl was raped might it be somewhat ok

That is completely a matter of opinion.  I don’t believe a baby is a baby until well into the second trimester, and that’s pushing it for me.  Besides, the first part of your post does not make sense.

Posted: 07 November 2004 07:26 AM   [ # 12 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 12 ]  
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[quote author=“socksgov”]no matter what a being dies, practically murder. only if girl was raped might it be somewhat ok

i don’t get that mentality at all. moderate pro-lifers say this all the time, and i don’t get it. you claim that abortion isn’t about the comfort of the mother, but about the fetus. that despite the circumstances, it’s murder, it’s a baby, blablabla. then what difference would it make how a child is conceived?! stick to one mentality, damnit. that’s so hypocritical.

it’s always abortion, but in my opinion, it’s never murder until the being has the ability to live and breathe without dependency on the mother.

women can expect this stuff in having a baby:

Some stuff taken from the article by Debra Hobbins, “Moms & Babies: The First Year” in a big booklet called “Every Woman: The Essential Guide for Healthy Living” distributed by Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Services.

“Do you have an eager eater in your arms? It’s normal for newborns to eat every 1/12 to 3 hours. Sometimes it seems that you’ll nurse for 30 minutes, spend another 30 minutes going to the bathroom and changing pads, applying a soothing spray, foam or Tucks, cleanign the toilet seat and bathroom floor from where the blood has dripped down between your legs, and then washing your hands…

Most moms find the first bowel movement post-birth to be somewhat painful. To ease the strain on your body and intestines, drink two to three quarts of water daily…

Babies who are breastfed will frequently have bowel movements with each feeding, which will look like yellowed cottage cheese…

Post-birth, you may also find that you have hemorrhoids, which are basically varicose veins in your anus/rectum. ... You can also use your finger to poke the hemorrhoids back into your rectum after each bowel movement. Your local drugstore carries gloves or “finger cots” (they look like tiny condoms) to do this. Just put your finger and hemorrhoid in the anus and gently push in about one inch or so. Slowly remove your finger while tightening your buttocks.

There is also a phenomenon that your childbirth educator or care provider may not have told you about called flatus vaginalus, which basically involves passing gas from the vagina. ... Needless to say, it can be quite embarrassing. This is because unlike gas from the rectum, there’s no warning or feeling before the gas is expelled; it just comes out wherever you are and can be very loud and embarrassing. (It’s hard to be credible and professional back at the office in a management meeting, for example, with vaginal gas escaping loudly!) And unlike your rectum, you can’t keep gas from escaping your vagina by tightening it. This malady gets better over time…

If the gas that comes from your vagina smells like gas from the rectum and/or there is stool in your vagina, this is an indication that you’re experiencing vaginal fistula—a connection between the rectum and vagina that needs to be surgically repaired.”

yeah, sorry. accidents happen. birth control isn’t 100% effective. no, adoption isn’t always an option. pregnancy is never 100% safe, and right now, we don’t have healthcare for everyone. pregnancy is expensive, dangerous, inconvenient, and then, what about underaged girls who have abusive parents who would be furious if they knew that they had had sex? my mom was (and still is) a pro-choice advocate when she got pregnant with me and she tells me that I was a mistake, but she chose to keep me because she wanted me. I know that for her own sake, I would prefer that she would have aborted me if she didn’t have the financial stability and the will to raise me.

for some interesting stuff, you should read . abortion isn’t always the horribly traumatic, “always the wrong decision” process that a lot of pro-lifers make it out to be.

Posted: 22 April 2005 09:42 PM   [ # 13 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 13 ]  
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[quote author=“styoshi”]i can agree that abortion is wrong on moral standpoints .. but do u think it should be government regulated?


Posted: 12 May 2005 03:42 AM   [ # 14 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 14 ]  
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Abortion is the women’s choice. Unless a being has been in this world (read: BORN) it is not murder. I would like you pro-lifers to have a daughter, and get her raped when she’s 14 or so. So you could see that this is the most foolish thing. you can’t quantify the situation, and say “when she gets raped, she can get one” Then you have to say, what is rape? Any non-consensual sex? Forced, violent sex? Hookers? Porn stars? Its a grey area. And, in extreme cases where men are raped (it can happen), does the male have any choice in the matter? Of course not, cause then he’s a boarish ignorant f*ck. Pro-lifers don’t understand because the problem hasn’t hit home. do you want to pay for your 14 year old daughters illegitimate child? I don’t. But the system will have to compensate because you dn’t understand how things work in the *real world*.
