Will this DVD Player be a Good purchase? |
Posted: 25 October 2004 04:31 AM |
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[quote author=“gobulls404”]I got mine for my birthday a couple months after it first came out.
im surprised my ps2 has broken down on me.
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too bad it wont work for me since i burn movies on dvd+r 😛 but i like the slim look
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I was more worried about the playback stability (non-skipping). Do Samsung DVD players perform well when playing back movies?
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Hmm, are Phillips generally rock-solid? In case I can’t find that model at BB.
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That should be your basic, “does what its meant to do” player. Remember, when it comes to technology, you get what you pay for.
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[quote author=“omcantu”]That should be your basic, “does what its meant to do” player. Remember, when it comes to technology, you get what you pay for.
Oh yeah, but that’s cool. My last DVD player couldn’t even do that. It was 4 years old. Paid $140 for it at some seedy NYC electronic shop. This is half the price, and views JPEGs. Cool. I just didn’t know if Sammy’s were stable.
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Well, I bought the Samsung. Couldn’t resist it for $60. Runs my “troublesome” new DVD’s perfectly. Has a cool zoom-in feature if you want to make things full-screen. Will work nicely with my next TV set (HDTV) someday, with its component-out.
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That philips was $62 and it can play DivX
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I just use my PS2. Play games and DVDs. How nice.
DVDs will be out done soon by the new blue ray disks that are coming later in the future.
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i keep seeing those cheap $40 dvd player at best buy…. anyone know wat im talking about? are those any good?
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that phillips looks like a good deal especially if you want to play divx
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[quote author=“maestro”]I just use my PS2. Play games and DVDs. How nice.
DVDs will be out done soon by the new blue ray disks that are coming later in the future.
my PS2 has been having trouble with DVDs lately. Thats all I have to play DVDs too. I have an XBOX but I don’t have the DVD accessory.
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My PS2 doesn’t work with most DVD’s either
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get something hackable, like apex or mintek. my friend has one, hasn’t skipped.
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thats a very small dvd players.. I like it. I need a new one.
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[quote author=“gobulls404”]My PS2 doesn’t work with most DVD’s either
when did you buy yours? I got mine first week it came out in 2001
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I got mine for my birthday a couple months after it first came out.
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[quote author=“antman22”]...apex or mintek.
Cheap and full featured.