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Bush Attacks!
Posted: 28 October 2004 01:53 AM   [ # 26 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 26 ]  
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Posted: 28 October 2004 07:56 AM   [ # 27 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 27 ]  
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[quote author=“minijigga”]
You really ought to watch F-9/11, most of your argument is right in tune with what is said in that movie. This whole, “scare us into submission” ******** that Sum 41, Greenday, Eminem, and others have bought into and repackaged is straight from the movie. So when you say you’ve never seen it, I find it just a wee bit difficult to believe you.


So, you hate Bush for beating Gore (oh I know, unfairly… damn electoral college… stop complaining about it, change it), and you’ve been out for blood ever since. If Bush says one thing, he’s wrong and you say the opposite of whatever he’s said. You’re so fixated on replacing Bush, that you’ve selected the worst guy for the job. At least Dean appeared as if he wasn’t your normal politician, which (at first) made me believe he was honest. You should have chosen Lieberman as your candidate, but you chose Kerry because of a New York Times poll that said he could beat Bush. So, go off the deep end, we’ll miss your passionate ideals that could have potentially changed the world for the better. Hopefully on the way down, you’ll realize that now everyone can be talked into being a good person, and that evil does exist in this world.

I’m sorry that attacking your political bias has offended you, but what can you expect? You have over 2/3’s of this site pulling for the Donkey, and of the > 1/3 who aren’t, even less speak up. It’s almost as if for every one of us, there’s ten of you to chip in your two cents. When I go off on Liberals, it’s not so much in the direction of one individual.

By the way, you didn’t touch on what I said about Clinton, Gore, or Kerry? Why is that?

What I don’t understand is why you act like Liberals/Democrats are diseased or something.  Believe me or not about not watching Farenheit 9/11.  I do know that while there are those who hang onto every word Moore has to say about Bush’s administration, I am not one of those.  You can twist my words to fit into whatever category your head feels compelled to place me in. 

I’m tired of this crap about Democrats being bitter about Bush beating Gore.  Most Democrats have looked past this as it is.  Have you ever considered that maybe our opinions are based on what we see happening now?  I never claimed that Gore could or could not do a better job.  I never even _mentioned_ Gore, ever.  With the frequency that you have brought it up, it seems to me that the Republicans are those who worry about why Bush beat Gore, not the other way around.  You talk like our one and only mission is to get Bush out of office.  Granted, that’s the goal for some, but for me it’s not because of my political affiliation.  I know plenty of Republicans who say they’re voting for Kerry, which would suggest that there’s more going on than, “I’m a Republican, I love Bush/I’m a Democrat, I love Kerry.”  Hey, maybe people aren’t happy with the way Bush has handled things.  Maybe that’s why they want him out of office. 

I might have addressed what you said about Clinton, but the paragraph was confusing (parentheses within parentheses).  If you clarify, I’d be able to understand what you were trying to get at.

For everything you’ve disputed about Kerry, you’ve yet to defend Bush or explain why you think that he deserves four more years in office.

Posted: 28 October 2004 10:03 AM   [ # 28 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 28 ]  
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All I’ll say is this.  Bush’s invasion of Iraq disgusted me more than anything else.  I don’t know if that makes me a “liberal” but that’s the one major reason I can’t stand Bush.


Posted: 29 October 2004 07:38 AM   [ # 29 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 29 ]  
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[quote author=“HectorGearLive”]All I’ll say is this.  Bush’s invasion of Iraq disgusted me more than anything else.  I don’t know if that makes me a “liberal” but that’s the one major reason I can’t stand Bush.


It doesn’t make you a liberal unless you support Kerry…

Posted: 30 October 2004 02:27 AM   [ # 30 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 30 ]  
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How am I to defend differences of opinion? You view his tax cuts as a bad thing, but really, the rich are the ones that PAY most of the taxes. Why is it there burden? Al Sharpton said that he would take away all the taxes for the lower/middle class. Is that right? Why shouldn’t everyone be responsible for their fair share? If you make the rich pay everything, it takes away the incentive to actually reach for the stars. Someone making 200,000 dollars a year, would pay less taxes than someone making 200,001 (or more) under Kerry. Is that right? Why would you show that to the young? Here kids, if you do really great, work really hard, and achieve your dreams… it won’t be worth a damn because “Big Brother” will take it all away from you. What? So, this comes down to a difference of opinion. You feel it might be better to take the legs out from under a dreamer, while I think it’s better to keep the “American Dream” alive. You think I think you’re diseased, why do you wonder why?

You guys are totally right, Bush is simple minded. That, coupled with my own personal preference to hold onto my romantic ideals, makes it hard for me to see Bush as this evil mastermind who’s done all the devious things you claim he has.

Where I see the difference, is when I see your approach to the President. At every corner, with every news story that’s released, you take the negative spin against him. Cut him down at every opportunity. The Liberal news reports “news” full of lies, easily disproved lies, on a daily basis. As soon as one story is killed, you rake another one up. You so desperately want to believe he’s this evil, oil-soaked bad-guy.

That’s why I lump you all together. Your words, and points of view are all so similar and singular that it’s almost scary to take a step back and look at the both of us. To actually believe that only 3 years ago we were standing shoulder to shoulder instead of back to back. Why? Iraq right?

At every turn of the war, it was bad news and bad forecasts consistently being a constant in the Liberal media. You’ve said it would take ten years to defeat him, that it’d be another Vietnam, and that the costs would far outweigh the value.

Anybody turn the news on lately? Hear the story about how the Russians came in and took that three-hundred tons of explosives to Syria? Hmm. Well, that’s interesting isn’t it? Let’s see, if they did that, who’s to say that some other people didn’t take the chemical weapons to be used elsewhere? This news break has established a basis for my long-held theory that weapons exited the country before we got there. If you go and read all there is to read on Iraq, all the papers on all the atrocities that were committed there under Saddam, it’s unmistakeably obvious that they possessed weapons. If they had ‘em, why would they get rid of them? Saddam was on his way out this decade, and his Sons are as bad or worse than he is. Someone who uses money that is supposed to feed the starving people of his country isn’t a likely hander-outer of expensive toys. Unless he had a purpose, which I’m sure, had he let them go, would have been to help fellow terrorists. Whichever the case, why would you guys want this man running his agenda throughout the world? Especially when the sanctions were weakening, and while the UN was being bought off by him? Ridiculous.

No, I mention Gore because he and Clinton are as much to blame for our problems today as Bush ever will be. And yet, no, they were great and we miss them. It pisses me the #### off to be quite honest with you. How you could so blatantly turn a blind eye to the fact that Clinton had a receding economy in his lap… and did nothing. Just like he did nothing to hamper Osama’s efforts taking place all around the world (and here). How they did everything to try and cut our intelligence, and told us that they were only getting rid of useless staplers. You claim I’m not seeing everything, but if we were acting in a play, you sure as #### would be playing the Pot. We see what we want to see, and parts of you just hate Bush. So you choose to see that.

I’ve spoken good things about the Democratic Party in here, and yet, for the most part… all you’ve all done is bash Bush. I just feel you’ve chosen the wrong guy, the worst guy for this time we’re living in.

There’s a lot of work to be done, and to be honest, there always will be. There are always going to be problems that need solving. What matters is how we address them, and how quickly we address them. If you really feel strongly about solving The Hunger Crisis, then goddammit go out there and do it.

Part of my fear is derived from the fact that I was in Vegas on that day of days. It was way too surreal for me, the buildings actually falling. But, being where I was at the time, I felt very scared. I thought to myself, “####, look around you, you’re visible from space for Christ’s sake!” We were traveling through the Hoover Dam area, and I just felt scared. Everyone around me was buying up toilet paper and water as if tomorrow’s uncertainty was everlasting.

I don’t take that for granted.

This isn’t because of the terror levels, as Michael Moore would have you believe. After the first few times they raised it, I basically decided it was just them being overly precautious. Although, being near Raytheon, and all the bases down here… I did think my area could be the stage for the next sorrowful scene… When you think about it logically though, it wouldn’t really cripple the economy as much as a largely populated area. Besides, this isn’t a general military conflict like we’ve seen ever. They aren’t out to destroy out battleship, they’re after our minds and our sense of well-being so that we won’t be the infamous consumers we’ve grown to be known as. The Evil Americans. The White Devils. What happened that day cost the world 880 billion dollars. All these terrorists have to do is take one of their suitcase nukes into one of our major harbors, and the cost of shipping internationally will rise dramatically. I’m not sure how many more massive hits our economy can take.

Do I think Bush has done enough to safeguard us from this threat? #### no I don’t.

Do I think that Kerry is more likely to do anything at all about it? Nope, not with that ####### record when it comes to American Safety.

Had you chosen Lieberman, we might actually be talking about the issues right now instead of debating the various character assassinations. With the current economic shortcomings, you might actually have won with a sweeping majority. Sad to say that now it’s gonna’ be close race which won’t be over on Nov 3rd.

Has Bush lied to us? This, we may never be certain of. Not with our Government’s history of covering things up like so many pee spots on white carpet; however, I do know that Kerry HAS lied to me. If you lie to me about being intoxicated, why am I going to give you the keys to my car? What’s worse, is that he really wants to drive. I don’t see that in Bush. I don’t see the almost animalistic lust for power that some people are possessed with. That’s probably the biggest reason I’m voting for him, and it’s also where one of your biggest arguments contradicts itself. If Bush is this evil guy who’s there to help all his buddies out, how could it be possible for him to come across as such a simpleton? You’d think that such a major acting part would require some serious brains and practice… yet, he always comes across as a generally likable guy, and genuinely passionate about the wellbeing of America. He’s passionate about his family, especially his wife. Something John Kerry will never be able to say about his wife.

Okay, I’m really tired, but I’ll leave you with this.

My Political Conspiracy Theory.

The reason that Bill Clinton didn’t implement a tax-cut when it was necessary, is because he didn’t want Gore to win. This is also backed up by the lack of support Gore had on his campaign trail. Clinton was notably absent from most speaking opportunities. And, if you had just been tuning into Clinton’s speech at Gore’s big dinner, you’d think that the dinner was to celebrate Bill.

Bill doesn’t want Kerry to win either. Why? Because he wants Hillary to have a go at the White House in 2008. The Clinton’s could have released the entire 300-ton explosives story, all-the-while knowing that it was to be rebuked later on… just to further illustrate Kerry’s willingness to run with a negative Bush story, for the polls. His heart operation, could have just been a way to get off of Kerry’s trail, to try and kill some of Kerry’s steam. Those last two points are admittedly FAR FETCHED, but they make you wonder as much as any of Michael Moore’s theories.. and I know the sweet joy you all take in reveling in those…

Posted: 31 October 2004 06:24 PM   [ # 31 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 31 ]  
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holy crap i dont want to read that but ^^^

Posted: 31 October 2004 07:16 PM   [ # 32 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 32 ]  
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[quote author=“gohan_bcc1”]holy crap i dont want to read that but ^^^

That and the whiniest ever. Only read a little bit of it and it was all b***ing and more b****ing.  The fact of the matter is that the Iraq invasion was not a good thing or justified. Bush said that the enemy attacked us and he had to retaliate. Yes the enemy did attack us, Bin Laden attacked us. So where is he? And why invade Iraq? Just because there were “rumors” Iraq had something to do with it? Well evidence already proved otherwise. The main reason I’m for Kerry is because he isn’t Bush. We will all see what the out come is. However, I’m expecting to see Bin Laden “caught” by tommorow. Just in time for elections. If you know what I mean. Whatever the outcome maybe, lets hope that whatever person is elected can FINNALLY aleviate most of the problems today in our economy and education system. I for one do not want to see the Draft re-instated as Bush wants it to be. We’ll see in less than 2 days what the out come may be.

Posted: 01 November 2004 08:29 AM   [ # 33 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 33 ]  
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Wow. This is why my posts go wasted here, dumbfucks like you come and read only a small portion and criticize the majority.

Bush is a Nazi too right?

Posted: 01 November 2004 09:19 AM   [ # 34 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 34 ]  
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This is why I hate the man…and it’s extremely personal:

Early in his adminstration Bush openly said that Paganism and Wicca are not vaild religions.  That Christianity was the only true religion and then threatened to take Wicca out of the Armed Forces.  I had just converted to Paganism at this time and felt deeply offended that the president that I voted for would have such a closed mind. 

My tuition for college has gone up almost 40% in the last 4 years.  I can barely put myself though college being an independant because Federal Pell grants have gone WAY down.  When I first started college before he came into office I went to a private school that was 5,000 a quarter.  Now, I’m in a public school that’s 6,000 a quarter after housing and still can barely afford that.  Why?  Because Bush cut college funding. 

And minijigga, come the HELL down.  This is what happens when you argue about politics.  You get some that are jerks, and some that are intelligant.  And I’d love to know how Michael Moore only has “theories” when he has documents to back his statements up.  You are as closed minded as you are yelling and screaming and throwing a fit about them being.  Please.

Posted: 01 November 2004 11:27 AM   [ # 35 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 35 ]  
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[quote author=“RayaniFoxmur”]And I’d love to know how Michael Moore only has “theories” when he has documents to back his statements up.

Wonder where those walked off to. Michael Moore did his job, he has brainwashed alot of people into casting their vote for Kerry. It’s really sad to be honest. America the gullible.

Posted: 01 November 2004 11:45 AM   [ # 36 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 36 ]  
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[quote author=“rgriffy”][quote author=“RayaniFoxmur”]And I’d love to know how Michael Moore only has “theories” when he has documents to back his statements up.

Wonder where those walked off to. Michael Moore did his job, he has brainwashed alot of people into casting their vote for Kerry. It’s really sad to be honest. America the gullible.

I was a proud card carrying member of the “Anyone but Bush” party long before Michael Moore my dear.  And I liked Michael Moore way back with Bowling for Columbine.  Your rebuttle does not compute, please try again.

Posted: 01 November 2004 11:53 AM   [ # 37 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 37 ]  
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If only Howard Dean was still around…

Posted: 01 November 2004 12:38 PM   [ # 38 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 38 ]  
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[quote author=“minijigga”]Wow. This is why my posts go wasted here, dumbfucks like you come and read only a small portion and criticize the majority.

Bush is a Nazi too right?

The only reason why I stoped reading because I get frustrated at closed minded people like you.  Read my post, I don’t like that Kerry is running against Bush. In my opininon Edwards is much better, well I know his Rep isn’t all that great but still.  The fact is that Bush was not a verry good governor and not doing a good job as a president. Why would you keep someone “hired” after his record? If Bush was your employee, would you renew his contract? There maybe a conspiracy like you say, however, your Hillary in ‘08 theory is all over the place.  Just like my theory of Bin Laden being captured right before election time. Just calm down and lets hope who ever steps into office or stays in office will do some major changes to the benefit of all. I also am one of those people affected by Bush’s and Governor Perry’s Cuts in education.

Posted: 01 November 2004 01:07 PM   [ # 39 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 39 ]  
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Bowling for Columbine?

Yes, please do use that as a source to back up Michael Moore’s accuracy… that’ll get you about as far as you would had you been trying to pay for gas with a quarter. Bush’s fault too, right? Too bad that he put 1.7 billion into the development of the Hydrogen Fuel cell so that we’d be able to be driving with water in our tank instead of oil.

I KNOW that Bush hasn’t done everything right, but at least he’s been consistently right and wrong on each issue. This may be flogging a dead horse, but if you look at both Edwards’ and Kerry’s records… you cannot trust them during this chaotic time. Their indecision at crucial times has been very dangerous to our safety, and their ability to act like they’re capable of straddling the middle line on each issue is alarming. You don’t have to get a live-update to see where Bush stands, and that’s exactly how we need our leader of tomorrow to act.

Things have calmed down, relatively. But don’t let that fool you, for had we laid down and taken it after Sept. 11, there’s no telling what might have happened. I don’t believe in giving terrorists a second chance to turn over a new leaf, because I don’t believe that you can talk those kinds of people out of the decisions they’ve already made.

So, you get through college, and then what? Go get a really nice job right? Be what society perceives as successful, and you’re in like flint, right? Wrong. Not anymore. Don’t you think that the people who died on Sept. 11 were exactly this perfect silhouette of success? What good did it do them in their final minutes? You’ll be as successful as long as you’re hands can reach for the sky, but choosing someone who’s been weak on defense is like playing Russian Roulette with a revolver who’s capacity is much larger than normal. You’re looking at it like the odds are in your favor, but what you fail to see is that there are odds against you.

I just threw that wacko theory out there to balance the insanity in here 😛

Posted: 01 November 2004 01:56 PM   [ # 40 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 40 ]  
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I hope you do know that for every contraversial topic there is an equally contraversial “This was wrong and you suck” side right?  Even documentaries like “Fast Food Nation” got things about how wrong it was and biased it was.  So please, don’t throw that #### in my face about how wrong Michael Moore is.  I’ll believe what I want to believe based on my own research and opinion.

Although I have thought of another reason why I refuse to vote for bush.

You talk about defense and everything else.  But what about defense here at home against everyday things like fires?  I am a volunteer firefigher.  Going to a trailer fire today, I put on my bunker gear.  My bunker gear is full of holes.  Why?  Because our funding has been cut.  And why has it been cut?  To put firehouses in a nation that I care diddly ####### squat about.  So I’m not only putting my life at risk to save others, now George W. Bush is making my life be even MORE at risk by cutting the funding needed to get me safe bunker gear?  Trucks that actually pump the rate of water they’re supposed to…we don’t have that either.  again, because our fundings been ####### CUT.  So, why the HELL should I vote for a man that’s put my life even more on the line than it already was…without…my…permission.

Thank you and ####### goodnight.

Posted: 01 November 2004 03:07 PM   [ # 41 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 41 ]  
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I don’t see how it can be this hard. Minjigga has some excellent points, and most of you just blow it off. Who here actually read it in entirety?

The pathetic thing is that this is turning into a “Bowling for Columbine” debate :o

Posted: 01 November 2004 03:27 PM   [ # 42 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 42 ]  
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[quote author=“rgriffy”][quote author=“RayaniFoxmur”]And I’d love to know how Michael Moore only has “theories” when he has documents to back his statements up.

Wonder where those walked off to. Michael Moore did his job, he has brainwashed alot of people into casting their vote for Kerry. It’s really sad to be honest. America the gullible.

[quote author=“RayaniFoxmur”]I was a proud card carrying member of the “Anyone but Bush” party long before Michael Moore my dear.

You all say that.

[quote author=“RayaniFoxmur”]And I liked Michael Moore way back with Bowling for Columbine.


Hey I thought that movie was good too, till I heard it was alot of lies and distortion. Moore should try and do a real documentary, last I heard they are supposed to be non-fiction.

[quote author=“RayaniFoxmur”]Your rebuttle does not compute, please try again.

Another Kerry drone. *sigh*

Posted: 01 November 2004 03:39 PM   [ # 43 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 43 ]  
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ORBJ and rgriffy, how about actually contributing to the discussion.

ORBJ, if memory serves me correctly _you_ were the one who started this thread, saying you’d defend anything us we had to say about Bush.  So far, it seems that minijigga’s the only one doing his part. 

It doesn’t help an argument when all you do is say, “You like Kerry, you suck.”  every time someone says something.

Posted: 01 November 2004 04:57 PM   [ # 44 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 44 ]  
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[quote author=“rgriffy”][quote author=“RayaniFoxmur”]I was a proud card carrying member of the “Anyone but Bush” party long before Michael Moore my dear.

You all say that.

You know, if you had actually read my original post you would have seen that.  But you haven’t.  So why don’t you pack up your marbles and go home.

ORBJ, I have read the posts.  I have formed my own opinion.  Sounds to me like you can’t believe that someone can disagree with the points they are making.  And at the same time, not reading mine either.

Posted: 01 November 2004 06:54 PM   [ # 45 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 45 ]  
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Yet again I’m forced to ask where the statistics and truthes about Bush’s accomplishments are?  When I turn on the news and see the deputy governor of Bagdad getting gunned down and eight US marines blown up in a hummer; I start to really reconsider if we’re winning this war.  Powell, though not directly quoted, has been heard saying that we’re losing this war to terrorists (see newsweek).  Look at it this way: a kid growing up hating America now knows where to turn when he wants to take out a piece of it - - Iraq. Grab a gun a pound of C4 and throw yourself into the crowd. We’ve given the terrorists a target and now Iraq is the place to be if you’ve got a jihad. 

Aren’t you glad that we unilaterally invaded a country hated by Bin Laden? Aren’t you glad that there really was no need to worry because sanctions were working? After this debacle I wish we could send Bush over there, put a gun in his hands, and tell him to fight it him damn self.  For people who say that we shouldn’t “change horses midstream” you can screw yourself. You won’t make it to the other side if the horse is dead.  History will view this as the worst United States intervention since Vietnam and will view the Bush presidency as the most damaging to the United States both internationally and domestically.

Posted: 01 November 2004 10:57 PM   [ # 46 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 46 ]  
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You’re smarter than that SJ.

You must’ve heard about the report that stated the UN was being bought by Saddam, and that the sanctions were weakening… It was good to hit him then, had the sanctions been lifted (like, after a few more years, I suspect they would have) he might have been able to get back into his full-swing. If not him, one of his sadistic offspring.

History will view the Iraq war just like it’ll view Vietnam, correct. It will view it as a war the people did not 100% support throughout the entire conflict. Like in Vietnam, we went to destroy a principle or ideology. Were we wrong in Vietnam? Were we wrong in Iraq 2? I don’t feel that is a question I am qualified to answer, nor do I place the responsibility of the answer on anyone else. It is too soon to see the full effect of both conflicts, being complicated by the information age and consumer technology revolution. That is to say, I don’t feel even you, a History Major, are able to give the correct answer.

I can give my opinion though, which may or may not be of any value to you.

I feel that trying to stump communism was a good idea at the time, because we feared that the idea would take over the world and eventually end our way of life. That’s my take on it.

In Iraq, I feel that it was an inevitable conflict, and procrastinating would’ve only endangered us and the rest of the world irresponsibly. The idea we’re after right now, is terrorism. I can see how people have issues with Vietnam, because it wasn’t actually harming us. But, for people to not see the threat of terrorism is quite an audacious case of myopia. Three-thousand people died and our world came to a grinding halt in a matter of hours. Three-hundred-million people were put on pause. Unfortunately there wasn’t a lasting reminder for us all, and some of us have forgotten about the existence of this pause button. They fail to see that the remote is accessible by those who don’t want to continue watching our program.

If we don’t try to stop terrorism now, we’re basically setting a glass of milk out to rot in the hopes that someone will come along and drink up. Those someone’s will be our children, or their children, and by then it may be too late. Yes, the war has cost alot of money, but can’t you imagine how much money a few more 9/11’s might cost us?

You’re looking at this issue as if we won’t get attacked again, unfortunately that egregious slight in fortune-telling will not only cost civilian lives, but it may destroy our way of life all together. If you’re willing to risk the sparkle that glows in the eyes of every American child, then I surely can’t call you my brother or sister. If you can only look just beyond your nose at your own little world, then you surely shouldn’t be in any position to cast a vote concerning the safety of us all.

Okay, I’m repeating myself, but, I really wish you had chosen Lieberman. I might have actually voted for him over Bush. I really admire him for not going way to the Left when Dean dragged the Democratic Party overboard, and I’d actually feel safe with him as President. Now I’m facing a day that could end with a man so horribly unfit to be the President as my President, and that makes me want to turn away and scream at myself for not doing more to help re-elect Bush. I just figured more people could see how wrong Kerry is for the job, but I flip on Fox to find us at a dead heat. Now it’s down to survival, too bad more people don’t realize what might be lying just around the corner :(

Another thing History will show as a similarity between Vietnam and Iraq, is civilian and Media support. The Media controlled how we supported Vietnam, and that’s where we “lost” that war. We didn’t support our boys, and we’re dis-servicing them yet again because of the Media.

Look at any of the other infamous conflicts over the years. The Civil War for example. Hundreds of thousands died then, but I’m sure the patriotism level then was MUCH higher than it’s been in the last hundred years. The Media can be squarely blamed for this, as they report everything up-to-the-minute, and choose what and how to report the news they receive. There will always be bias in the Media, no matter where you get your news, there’ll always be an agenda they’re following. This is because news is “written” by humans, and being human, they have opinions. It’s a necessary evil unfortunately, and we’re fortunate to have it. It’s just too bad it has to come with a flip-side.

SJ, I’m not sure how correct you are saying that Bin Laden hated Iraq. Yes, during Operation Desert Storm he hated Iraq, but after the Saudi’s refused to let Osama lead the charge against the “infidels”, he quickly altered his stance on the royal family. He started going around giving speeches about rising up against the rulers of Saudi Arabia, and this quickly felled him out of the inner-circle. He was then told to leave or be forced out, where he then left the country. He wanted, then, to do as Saddam had been trying to do.

Though their motivations were different, they both, then, shared a common goal: Taking over the Arab world. Osama wanted to unite them all as the caliphs of the past had done, and Saddam wants the oil. You’ll read that Osama was “offended” by what the United States was doing to Iraq by imposing sanctions. This suggests that he was sympathetic towards Saddam, and it isn’t too far of a stretch to see that the two could have logically been collaborators. They shared a common hate for the US, and to say that the sanctions were working when they were angering Public Enemy No. 1 is slightly conflicting.

Posted: 02 November 2004 03:56 AM   [ # 47 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 47 ]  
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[quote author=“jbeana”]ORBJ and rgriffy, how about actually contributing to the discussion.

ORBJ, if memory serves me correctly _you_ were the one who started this thread, saying you’d defend anything us we had to say about Bush.  So far, it seems that minijigga’s the only one doing his part. 

It doesn’t help an argument when all you do is say, “You like Kerry, you suck.”  every time someone says something.

That was a great contribution.  👏  :roll:

And to RayaniFoxmur it’s not worth my time to debate. I’ve debated and slammed many people like yourself on all the issues in this presidential race and I’m sick of it. So I’ll spare you of the humiliation. It’s voting day, go vote.

Posted: 02 November 2004 12:16 PM   [ # 48 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 48 ]  
In The Club
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[quote author=“rgriffy”][quote author=“jbeana”]ORBJ and rgriffy, how about actually contributing to the discussion.

ORBJ, if memory serves me correctly _you_ were the one who started this thread, saying you’d defend anything us we had to say about Bush.  So far, it seems that minijigga’s the only one doing his part. 

It doesn’t help an argument when all you do is say, “You like Kerry, you suck.”  every time someone says something.

That was a great contribution.  👏  :roll:

And to RayaniFoxmur it’s not worth my time to debate. I’ve debated and slammed many people like yourself on all the issues in this presidential race and I’m sick of it. So I’ll spare you of the humiliation. It’s voting day, go vote.

the thing is, i also have something called school oO
well said rgriffy

so what do you wanna argue about? name a topic!

Posted: 02 November 2004 09:28 PM   [ # 49 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 49 ]  
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Joined  2004-07-18

England or Canada? Those are my new choices of residency.

Posted: 03 November 2004 06:13 AM   [ # 50 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 50 ]  
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Joined  2004-09-27

[quote author=“ORBJ”][quote author=“jbeana”]
Why are we unhappy with Bush?  Because he’s focused on everything BUT the economy.  Because millions of jobs have been lost.  Because he’s racked up the largest deficit this country’s ever seen.  I know you’re going to say that figures have shown that 1.9 million jobs have been created in the past few months, but when you look at the overall picture, it’s still a net loss.

And?Kerry himself admitted that the president has extremely little, if not no control over the jobs created and lost (remember the debates?)


Saddam Hussein was a threat. It’s like… Would you rather be bombed, when you know you could immediately remove the threat?

Patriot Act

This is a no brainer for me. It might just because I can’t see a lot of the other side of the argument.

Would you rather be safe, and have the government know more about you? Or do you prefer being vulnerable, and know that the guy next door could be a terrorist, and the government couldn’t do anything about it?

How was Iraq a threat when they had no ****ing “Weapons of Mass Destruction or “WMD’s”

Also the Patriot Act isn’t just being used to fight terrorism it is being used to prosecute our own ****ing citizens!

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