[quote author=“jbeana”][quote author=“ORBJ”]
I’ll start with this one.
Rising health care costs, tuition fees, and drops in income?
It’s not bush’s fault. Were you happier under Clinton? Hope not!
Friends going to war coming back saying they were lacking supplies, armor, and took pay cuts for an unfunded war?
They should be getting the equipment that they want. Take Kerry for example. Liberals like Kerry are the people who are keeping this from happening. Kerry voted against the $87 billion supplemental. Check out
Project Vote Smart.com to see some of these issues.
Gross deficit that we won’t pay off for decades?
9/11 Remember that?
In 2000 during the final 6 months of the year, the economy started falling (dot com bubble, recession). Then, with 9/11 we realized that we weren’t at all secure. The attacks made the economy fall, they even closed the stock markets for a bit! Airports closed for days. Then, we spent billions more on defense, homeland security and invading Afghanistan. Other issues, such as the Patriot Act have cost us.
Maybe I missed it, but I don’t think you addressed ANY of the issuses that sweet Jesus asked you to address.
For one, we WERE happier under Clinton. Why? Because Clinton brought our economy back. Because millions of new jobs were created under Clinton. Because Clinton put our budget in a surplus.
Why are we unhappy with Bush? Because he’s focused on everything BUT the economy. Because millions of jobs have been lost. Because he’s racked up the largest deficit this country’s ever seen. I know you’re going to say that figures have shown that 1.9 million jobs have been created in the past few months, but when you look at the overall picture, it’s still a net loss.
Regarding the funding for military supplies. Our troops were sent into Iraq without these supplies. Bush knew exactly what was going on. He knew that we did not have enough armored tanks, that troops didn’t have enough armored gear to protect them. It was only later, when he realized his mistake that he tried to fix it. But by then it was too late. The fact of the matter is, our troops should not have even been sent to war in the first place if we were not prepared to handle it. It’s not sufficient enough to say, “Oops, I f****** up. Let’s hope no one notices.”
Yes, I remember 9/11. So what? Do you remember Pearl Harbor? Roosevelt knew way in advance that it was going to happen, but he let it happen because he wanted an excuse to get America in the war. 9/11? What of it? There are reports that we knew this was going to happen, but we ignored the signs. And don’t give me crap about this being some sort of left-wing conspiracy. We are not the most powerful nation in the world by being stupid.
With that said, 9/11 was NOT the cause of the economy’s recession. Closing the stock market for a few days did NOT cause our entire economy to go to crap. Plus, they closed the market because they were afraid that people would freak out and start doing what they did decades ago before the Great Depression. We did not need to spend billions on defense, homeland security, invading Afghanistan, etc. The entire war has been a cover-up for Bush to finish what his daddy couldn’t do in his term in office. Tell me, why are we still in Afghanistan? Why are we spending so much time searching for a man that we don’t even know is still alive?
Furthermore, how did Iraq suddenly get involved? Because Saddam is a bad bad man? Because he has weapons of mass destruction? Let me ask you this. Why did we actively pursue a man who vehemently denied ever having weapons of mass destruction, biological warfare, etc. when there were other countries (like, oh I don’t know, North Korea) who OPENLY tell us that they have WMD, that they have tested it, and that they will not hesitate to use it on us?
Only after I get a sufficient answer to all those questions will I ever be satisfied that Bush is “doing the right thing.”
Oh, and Patriot Act? What of it? You just threw it out there, but you never defended it or opposed it. I, for one, do not sleep better knowing that the government can play Big Brother. Ever heard of civil liberties?
Oh yes, I now remember one of the reasons I don’t visit here much anymore…highly Liberal..
Where to even start..
Had you payed attention to earlier discussions, we came to an agreement that President’s have little affect on matters of Legislation. Therefore, it is entirely ridiculous to peg the short-comings of our economy on one man. If you want to blame anything, blame the partisan games our politicians have been playing; if anything that is to blame. I have one question though, if you’re going to keep sucking on Michael Moore’s ding-dong, could you tell me if his piss is sweetened by all the donuts he stuffs in his fat little lie-telling mouth? Do you like the smell of Clinton’s ####, cause you’re all looking like your noses have been lodged up there as if you’re longing for that sense of glory that Clinton wasn’t even responsible for. If you want to give Clinton that, you’ll have to give Bush 10x more credit than he’s already been given by his own party for his work that he did with Kennedy on Education. All Clinton did was let the Republican controlled Congress do what they wanted to do, and this deserves all the praising words he’s always adorned with? Please. He just sat there fattening himself on the pleasures of his power, nothing was done on his part that was actually for the surplus the Republican’s created when they “balanced” the “budget”. He just didn’t put in any vetoes.
You’re all so trigger happy on reporting how much the war costs, and yet for some wacky reason, you’re going to assume that we’re going to #### our guys and girls in the ass when it really matters. Nope, not this President. That’d be a Clinton (Somalia, and yeah, after they whooped our asses, Clinton turned tail and ran while our boys were dragged through the streets…great leader, solid focus and determination to see things through) or Kerry (voting for war, then voting against the funding for the troops, regardless of what his reasoning was (probably just trying to establish a strong Liberal base), you don’t do that to the troops… if they’re already there, (being a former military man, he should know best) you make sure as #### that they have what they need… disgusting) move.
You’re entirely correct, we should have been able to have a clearer picture of the events that unfolded on 9/11 before they changed our world forever. Maybe you should ask Kerry and Gore, two men who’ve made careers at slicing our intelligence to ribbons, why we didn’t know more about it? They’d probably give you a big old song and dance about unused “staplers”, and how they weren’t needed… even though while they were doing it, Mr. Bin Laden was amassing strength, believers, and courage to carry out his plans. You’d think that while our embassies, our battle ship, our troops, our civilians were being attacked, our government would want to build up our intelligence agencies—instead of tear them down? Weird sense of logic you Liberals have…
Why do you think you’re qualified to say that 9/11 was so insignificant, so unimportant that you seem to have forgotten it happened? I’m almost at the point where I’m wishing they’ll attack us again, that way you people might wake up and smell the fuckin’ coffee. Then I remind myself that one of the loves of my life almost died on that day, and that nothing is worth swaying your tiny little minds. If you refuse to accept it, I hope that when you’re off on a trip abroad (you know, in France), that you have a sharp brush with these people you’re underestimating so drastically. You’ve completely under-cut the significance of the problem that is posed by these fanatics. Let’s hope that Karma plays a role in this, and that when they do strike again, it’s in your home town or city. Wouldn’t that be fair, or right?
“Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer”
What does that mean to you? When you know of an enemy, and his/her intentions, then you can asses the threat. When you have someone like Saddam, who for years killed his own people with the weapons “he never had”, a person who blatantly pisses on international orders, what are you do to? If you have someone who’s lying to you, to your face, especially when they’ve repeatedly lied to you, wouldn’t you respect the threat that they posed, and be cautious of them? We know about North Korea, and we have limited control of them (via China, we’re the biggest consumer on the planet, who would want to lose trading rights with us?), but Saddam was buying interest in the UN.. and the sanctions against him were failing. So, you either let this guy slowly grow, or strike him down when it’s easiest. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” Or, we could do the same thing Gore and Clinton did with Osama, and just let it boil until it bubbles over and we have a few more thousand people dead? Which is better?
Yes, I will say left-wing conspiracy, because you’re so blinded by hate and anger from the 2000 elections, that you’ll take any morsel that you’re hungry little fingers can grasp…and you nibble each individual molecule until you’re chewing your own nails and then fingertips. Tell me again why it was so necessary for Bush Sr. to go into Iraq? To finish “what he started”? That wasn’t our objective then, didn’t you know that? Saying that we’re there now to finish where we left off, suggests that we were there the first time purposely. Hmm, unless my brief knowledge of the subject fails me, Saddam was trying to invade the surrounding countries (namely, Saudi Arabia) and we were called upon to expel him… wasn’t that why we were there? Ah, I’m sure we were there then for oil, and then, by some stroke of evil genius… decided to turn back and stage an 8 year Democrat Presidency only to come back and do it later on? So, what you’re saying is that Bush Jr. has more courage than his father? Are you complimenting him? I just must be confused…
At least I’ll admit that Bush isn’t the smartest guy alive, and that he isn’t a great speaker. He may have had some crazy days in College, and some of the points in Moore’s movie make my eye-brows raise up a bit in shock. But, as they say, “to choose the lesser of two evils” is really what we have to do. Right now I am concerned with our security, because you can’t create a good omelette if you’re eggshell is cracked long before you go to put you’re apron on. And that’s what you guys want to do, you want a perfect utopia here in America even if it means that we’re open to terrorist attacks. If our people are expendable, fine, vote for Kerry. That’s how I see it.
We are a free nation, and if you want to live in a place that takes blood money, like France or Germany, then move there. By implementing Socialism, like you all want to (which, if you’d look at the youth of the nation, you’d see that it would never work), you effectively gain more control over the governed populous. We are a free nation. We were not founded on those principals.
Keep chewing on whatever you can find, soon you won’t have fingers to type, and I won’t have to read your mindless dribble.
EDIT: BTW, the ironic thing, is that the entire time I’ve been writing this, I’ve been listening to Eminem’s “Mosh”... which, if you’ve heard it, you might laugh 😛
BTW, ORBJ, I congratulate you on your courage for starting this thread, but you’re wasting your time. These Liberals (even though I have a special place in my heart for SJ 😛), are like any other yellow-dog-Democrats. They’re clutching Fahrenheit 9/11’s screenplay to their chests as if it were a bible, and you know they’re desperate because their knuckles turned white long ago. So, just save your rational discussion for after the election.. it might be stomach-able for them then. God willing, Bush will be our President for another four years 😛
One more thing
If you guys really love Clinton so damn much, why do you want Kerry to win? Don’t you know that the Clinton’s want Kerry to lose so that Hilary will become the first female Presidential candidate in History? You seem confused…