[quote author=“antman22”]nice hector, lol. i dont think its a matter of entertainment, its just the fact that the GL forums have evolved and grown into something that is not wanted by those who left. for me, i dont always find myself reading as many threads,mainly cuz i can anticipate the 13yr old “omg, wtf, click my link, roxors n00b,i can’t make a coherent thought!” i was also getting tired of reading the random drama that was going on. its an internet forum, chill people.
oddly enough, i do stay due to hector’s great topics, lol. they are truely funny and entertaining. also, i enjoy reading the threads/comments of certain members here,which is why i stay, even if i dont seem as active.
i have no clue if anything i’ve said makes sense, its about 8:30 am and i’ve had about 3 hours of sleep. this has allowed me to stay awake for another 5 minutes in class though. huzzah!
haha thats for sure.. hector scares me sometimes though lol.