I, personally, can’t wait to get my hands on one of these systems. The included Picto Chat feature should be cool - but the rumbling now is that the DS could be its own network hub. This means that if someone near you also has a DS, you can connect to them - and if someone near THAT person has one, all three of you can connect, even if you arent in range of that third person.
Could this be shades of what’s to come with the Revolution? :o
Is that info true, you know about the ability to connect to someone that is not in range of you through someone elses DS? .. or is that a rumor?
Another question…does the person that you are connecting through have to be playing with you, or can it be just any random person?? (Personally, i think that would be the bomb!)
The problem is that their launch titles aren’t very good. I’ve given up on handhelds personally, they hurt my eyes and I don’t have time. But here’s some stuff for you Nintendo DS nuts.
Hmmmm….. DS is looking mighty good now…..Now which to get first….DS or PSP? :think: ....... Probalby PSP just because it looks awesome, supports memory cards and reads mp3s.
The DS is nice; I’ll have both for extensive review purposes. I think they are both capable machines, but I remember being very skeptical of the PSP when details were first announced. They had some major hardware issues as well as price issues. I’m glad they worked it all out, however, I’m not too particularly impressed with it. I think I’m favoring the DS right now, but we’ll see in the future. As for games, personally I favor the DS. I don’t care about the new metal gear solid game for PSP: I think we have all tried the same damn forumla too many times now. It’s turning in to GTA, where we just played the same thing again and again. Hopefully snake eater will differ enough to make me realize I’m playing a different game. This is just my opinion and is probably looked down upon, but at least I’m being up front. I think Nintendo has some good games coming, but only Mario for the release date looks promising.
Oh man, last night I was in an Electronics Boutique and had the pleasure of playing Metroid on one of these and man oh man, with my finger on the touch screen it was insanely fun and i cant wait for it to come out now.
The device ie gorgeous and sleek and beautiful and perfectly designed. Great size and feel in my hands.
[quote author=“DougKaplan”]Oh man, last night I was in an Electronics Boutique and had the pleasure of playing Metroid on one of these and man oh man, with my finger on the touch screen it was insanely fun and i cant wait for it to come out now.
The device ie gorgeous and sleek and beautiful and perfectly designed. Great size and feel in my hands.
I played it today also. 😊 Awesome. I wasn’t too crazy about it. Now I am. I suggest everyone undecided go and test it. You’ll love it.