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Do you dislike Bush? [The President Pervs] ;) click here
Posted: 27 September 2004 03:05 PM     [ Ignore ]  
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That’s hilarious Andruex :D

sweet, I think it would be nice to have some international support, but not from whom you’re thinking of. Letting the French or the German’s into Iraq to “help” us, would, in my opinion, be sending the wrong message to the Iraqi people.

News of the Oil for Food Program scandal is just now hitting big news, and to let those people into Iraq is just plain wrong. Here you have the people that held Saddam’s hand while he murdered his own people, and now they want to help the people? No, they just want to come in and secure some contracts in the “rebuilding” of Iraq. I don’t think our main intention in Iraq was oil, but I know that we are reaping some benefits from the entire deal. Not necessarily oil, but in contracts to build the things necessary to extract or refine it. That was one of the only things I think could be taken out of F911, that you could actually look at and believe.

At least with us there, they’ll eventually have a chance at a free nation. You can make arguments all day that they aren’t any better off, but eventually, they will be.

Stomach rumbling, school calling, be back later 😛



Posted: 27 September 2004 03:05 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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  See what everyone else is saying about the bush administration <—- Click



Posted: 27 September 2004 03:11 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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Are you kidding, I’m pro-bush!  Oh wait, you’re talking about the president?  My bad…  :D

Posted: 27 September 2004 03:15 PM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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[quote author=“MSP”]Are you kidding, I’m pro-bush!  Oh wait, you’re talking about the president?  My bad…  :D

Title now updated to display properly 😉

I actually thought about it at first, but I’m like ‘Nah, no one will say anything about it”

LOL…we get 1 post…1 before it was said.



Posted: 27 September 2004 03:53 PM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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[quote author=“munkyxtc”][quote author=“MSP”]Are you kidding, I’m pro-bush!  Oh wait, you’re talking about the president?  My bad…  :D

Title now updated to display properly 😉

I actually thought about it at first, but I’m like ‘Nah, no one will say anything about it”

LOL…we get 1 post…1 before it was said.


Posted: 27 September 2004 03:54 PM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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^ :lol:

Anyway, those videos were good.

I liked this one: http://www.bushin30seconds.org/view/821_large.shtml

Posted: 27 September 2004 05:41 PM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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Those were pretty well done. The best ad was right on. People think a huge deficit doesn’t mean much but they fail to realize we’re going to be paying for it and that money could go towards domestic policies like education and environmental research.

Posted: 27 September 2004 06:13 PM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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Yes, but what good is a utopia if there exists terrorists in your world?

They’ve been taught since they were wee children to hate us, Israel, and basically anyone else they label “infidels”. So, they’ve been taught this, military tactics, and they’re entirely devoted to their cause. You fail to see that these types of extreme behavior aren’t negotiable, and they never will be.

We could stop pouring money into Israel, something in the billions of dollars that flow into there every year….In fact, we could start a war with Israel, that would make the terrorists happy. But, nothing else will. You want to swap fighting these terrorist cells, to fighting one of the best air powers in the world. Logical :?

Posted: 27 September 2004 06:21 PM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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[quote author=“minijigga”]Yes, but what good is a utopia if there exists terrorists in your world?

Hehe, I like how you disregard all those problems “Yes, BUT…....” 😛 Don’t get me wrong, I hate the terrorists just as much as you do, but there are problems at home as well 😉

Posted: 27 September 2004 10:03 PM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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I know there are lots of problems, I just have a hard time understanding how making everything “perfect” is going to help us if people are put in harms way.

We could look the other way, and focus all our efforts on domestic issues, but then we’d be left vulnerable.

It’s like you want “everything”...and nothing less will do.

If terrorism in America were left to continue as it had been, just think how worse off we’d be. Our economy would be horrible, and because of that, there’d be less jobs… Can’t you guys see that you need a roof over your head before you can buy furniture?

I’m not saying poverty is of less importance, but it seems to me that nothing would really please everyone. If you focus too much on poverty, and then terrorists attack us, you’ll blame the government for not doing enough to stop these types of things from happening. If you focus too much on fighting terrorism, you’ll be accused of being uncaring and blind to your own people’s problems.

Whatever, everyone’s a critic I guess..

Posted: 27 September 2004 10:22 PM   [ # 10 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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Sorry, I hope I didn’t frustrate you just now, but it’s not bad to want “everything” as you put it. It’s my government and my country. I can want whatever I want out of it, and I suggest everyone else want whatever they want out of it as well. If you want a million dollars, go for it. Go get it however way you want to. As long as it’s legal 😛 If you want peace for America, get it yourself too. If you want our government to stop terrorism, then help with that. Join our military or do SOMETHING—voting will indeed suffice

There’s nothing wrong with wanting “everything” out of our government. It’s mine, and I can demand all I want. And you can demand that the war on terrorism end too. Trust me, I want this war to end soon as well.

Priorities are so difficult to juggle. Solving your own problems before solving someone else’s sounds like the perfect way to do things, but we have terrorists abound. But why is it that some other nations aren’t being terrorized? Well… this isn’t true… other nations are being terrorized day in and day out, but why is it that America is being targeted so incredibly violently? There must be something wrong with America, and we need to fix it. Mind you, I said there was something wrong with AMERICA, meaning problems here should be helped first. However, I doubt any terrorist is bombing us because of our poverty or poor education programs. So what is it about America that makes us seem so wrong to the world? Why are there terrorists that want to bomb us? No one picks a fight for no reason…

Sorry, I’m rambling :(

Posted: 27 September 2004 11:11 PM   [ # 11 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 11 ]  
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I find minijigga’s comments interesting but I’d like to point out one thing.  You seem to be saying that we’re fighting a battle on two fronts: domestic and abroad. The problem is that Bush seems to be throwing everything he has at the international front, which doesn’t seem to going so well (see news about Powell and Rumsfelds current comments on Iraq.) I think if we had some help from the international community we could very well balance the two and hopefully drive down the deficit a bit, focus on creating jobs and a healthy economy, and also finish what we started in Afghanistan and Iraq. I’m all for Democracy abroad and fighting terrorism but when you’re country is going bankrupt, you can’t fight much.

Posted: 28 September 2004 12:33 AM   [ # 12 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 12 ]  
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😛 I think Mr. Minijigga would like this:


Posted: 28 September 2004 11:36 AM   [ # 13 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 13 ]  
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They are showing the stronger side of the truth. He took a surplus and made a coming up on 1 trillion deficit

Posted: 28 September 2004 01:13 PM   [ # 14 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 14 ]  
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^^ just sighs

Posted: 28 September 2004 03:10 PM   [ # 15 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 15 ]  
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i hate bush with his monkey face :D

Posted: 28 September 2004 06:57 PM   [ # 16 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 16 ]  
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[quote author=“minijigga”]^^ just sighs

What’s to sigh about? It’s the truth.

Posted: 28 September 2004 08:04 PM   [ # 17 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 17 ]  
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[quote author=“hondaboi”]i hate bush with his monkey face :D

so old, but i found it funny when i stumbled upon it today again…

Posted: 29 September 2004 11:39 AM   [ # 18 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 18 ]  
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I dislike most polititians in general.

It’s sad how the propaganda machine works in this country.  It’s even sadder how long it takes people to figure it out (and I’m just learning, so I’m not bashing anyone).

We are far less free than we think we are.

I was doing some research on dumpster diving today.  Found all my cities local ordinances.  Just the laws we have on trash alone are ridiculous.

I’m sorry, this may sound really stupid. But I’d like to put someone with a decent IQ who has little experience with politics in the whitehouse.  Let someone who isn’t messed up already see how screwed up things are and try to make a change.

Posted: 29 September 2004 12:10 PM   [ # 19 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 19 ]  
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[quote author=“cmstar”]I’m sorry, this may sound really stupid. But I’d like to put someone with a decent IQ who has little experience with politics in the whitehouse.  Let someone who isn’t messed up already see how screwed up things are and try to make a change.

I like this idea, and I have always liked this idea. Politics were never meant to stand as a career. People were not supposed to make politics their entire lives, and everyone needs to have a chance at politics.

Posted: 29 September 2004 02:01 PM   [ # 20 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 20 ]  
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War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

Posted: 29 September 2004 02:07 PM   [ # 21 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 21 ]  
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Haha, nice Tighr. Someday I hope to work for the Ministry of Love.

Posted: 29 September 2004 02:22 PM   [ # 22 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 22 ]  
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Bush is the best president ever, no other president has done so much to push our country out of the times of war and into the future, a future of peace, education, and stability…

Yes, those are the three best words to describe George W Bush: peaceful, educated, and stable.

Posted: 30 September 2004 01:03 PM   [ # 23 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 23 ]  
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[quote author=“chaud”]They are showing the stronger side of the truth. He took a surplus and made a coming up on 1 trillion deficit

Just some quick facts:
The surplus started declining in 2000
Bush was innagurated at the end of 2000/2001
2 planes that were hijacked by terrorists crashed into the twin towers in 2001

Yeah I know Bush screwed up here and there… But I think people are being way too biased against him.

Posted: 30 September 2004 01:53 PM   [ # 24 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 24 ]  
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Posted: 30 September 2004 02:17 PM   [ # 25 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 25 ]  
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